Read through What is Constipation far more
What is Constipation
ConstipationConstipation is a condition that causes irregular bowel movements that are painful or difficult, or stools that are hard in consistency. Irregular bowel movements alone do not mean you are constipated because bowel frequency can vary between three times a day to once a week among normal people. Therefore, hard stools that are difficult to pass or infrequent stools accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, and abdominal bloating define real constipation. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish. Constipation may be acute or chronic. Acute constipation begins suddenly and conspicuously. Chronic constipation may begin insidiously and persist for months or years.
The number of bowel movements usually get less with age. Ninety-five percent of adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The most common pattern is one bowel movement a day, but this pattern is seen in less than half of people. Moreover, most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day. A person with constipation often or always produces hard stools that may be difficult to pass. The person also may feel as though the rectum has not been completely emptied. Bowel movements are likely to be infrequent as well. Many people believe they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, daily bowel movements are not normal for everyone, and having less frequent bowel movements does not necessarily indicate a problem unless there has been a substantial change from previous patterns. The same is true of the color and consistency of stool; unless there is a substantial change, the person probably does not have constipation.
How to relieve constipation?
Even though constipation is an embarrassing subject, about which many refuse to talk this condition affects everyone at some point. In fact, some people live with chronic constipation. This is classified by persistent difficultly with passing stools. Many factors contribute to constipation. In some instances, the reasons are clear-cut and easily resolved by making certain dietary adjustments. For example, people with poor eating habits are more prone to constipation as opposed to a person who eats a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables. Of course, too much of a good thing can also cause problems. For this matter, consuming too much fiber may also cause constipation.
Constipation is defined as the condition in which a person finds difficulty in passing stools and has a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. These stools usually become dry and hard causing them difficult to eliminate. If treated on time constipation is not dangerous. But if left untreated it can become chronic. But how to treat or relieve constipation? This is the question asked by majority of the people suffering from constipation. Here is the answer for it. There are many ways for relieving constipation.
Diet is the most common home remedy for relieving constipation. Water is the best liquid for relieving constipation as it plays an important role in keeping the intestines working well. Drink a glass of water early in the morning or add a teaspoonful of honey in it and drink it at night before going to bed. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water everyday. Keeping the water overnight in a copper vessel and drinking it in the morning gives better results. Take a glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of salt in it. Take a glassful of warm milk with a teaspoonful of ghee in it when going to bed. This also helps in relieving constipation.
However always consult your doctor or medical professional if if you are unwell.
Robert is webmaster at []
Go through Constipation Weight Gain - Get Rid of Weight Gained Due to Severe Constipation and IBS in 7 Days more
Constipation Weight Gain - Get Rid of Weight Gained Due to Severe Constipation and IBS in 7 Days
ConstipationWeight gain is just inevitable once you reach a specific age. This is particularly after the age of 40 as in that age the metabolic rate of the body gets affected. But, it has been witnessed that there are some other causes also which might lead to weight gain and that too before reaching that specific age. One of the prominent causes might be constipation. This problem might bother you when your intestines get blocked. The best and the efficient way to activate the intestines once again are to unblock them.
Causes of Constipation:
* Not enough liquids and fiber in your diet
* Lack of sufficient exercises
* Medications and irritable bowel syndrome
* Due to laxatives
* Problems in rectum and colon
* Avoiding the urge of bowel movement
* Due to certain diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis
* Problems in intestinal
Symptoms of Constipation:
Constipation does not actually mean that you are suffering from any type of digestive diseases. However, in case you start suffering from vomiting, dizziness and fever then you must consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Get rid of weight gain due to severe constipation and IBS in 7 days by applying the following tips:
Fiber Diet: Actually the most common cause of constipation is your diet. Thus try to include more and more vegetables and fruits which are rich in fibers. For this purpose you can opt for whole grains, meats, cheese and eggs.
Colon Cleansing: This method can help you to get rid of your constipation problems at a very steady pace. Dr Oz also recommended colon cleansing for a healthy mind. This process can efficiently help you to lose weight and get rid of the unwanted toxins from your body. He even introduced two recipes can be easily made at home and can effectively cleanse the colon. Actually, this home remedy process is very effective as after removing the toxic substances from your body the metabolic rate automatically gets enhanced and you in turn get rid of the constipation problem. Further, in this process you even lose weight as your body starts digesting the calories at a steady pace and does not store them as fats. Further the recipes introduced by Dr Oz are full of natural ingredients which are quite rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Check them out:
Master Cleanse Diet:
* A pinch of Cayenne pepper
* 10 oz. of purified water
* Two tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon juice
Mix the ingredients and cleanse your internal system.
Green Dark Recipe:
* Two chopped apples and one celery stick
* 1/2 cup of chopped parsley
* Tiny piece of peeled ginger
* 1 Cup of spinach
* Diced medium sized cucumber
* Juice of one lemon
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Understand Constipation Cures additional
Constipation relief is the foremost question amongst people with constipation problems because it is just so damaging to the digestive system to have colon problems culminating in constipation. Furthermore, most people know that constipation is just one step to a larger problem with colon cancer or colitis. These kinds of problems are inevitable if one does not take pains to take care of their colon. If one does not take pains to take care of their colon, then it will take pains on you until you fix it.
Constipation cures revolve around the judicious use of certain foods and juices to relieve the problem of constipation in a few hours or a few weeks, depending on the method used. You can go on a juice fasting diet, change your diet to include fruits and vegetables, have a flax seed shake every morning, start eating hemp seeds at every meal, or take digestive enzymes, probiotics, enemas, laxatives, or colonics every so often. These kinds of home procedures are just one of many steps you can take in the cleansing process of your colon. Another thing that goes into constipation relief is daily exercise because more bowel movements occur, it is proven, with a good amount of daily exercise.
Constipation is basically a decrease in the amount of bowel movements, and in order to get those bowel movements moving again, you just need to change what you put into your body. What you put into your body will change what comes out of your body. As a general rule, the faster it goes down, the slower it will be coming out. And the slower it goes down, the faster it will be coming out. In other words, if you're used to eating refined carbohydrates, simple sugars, and refined starches, you will have very slow bowel movements that are painful to come out. If you are used to eating fruits and vegetables that take a long time to chew and swallow, then your bowel movements will come out fast and free. You will almost be surprised by how it flows out like an ice cream swirly. This kind of extreme dropping of feces without any pain or hurt whatsoever is the norm in Africa, where certain tribes eat 25 apples a day. Fortunately, they have no incidences of colon cancer, colitis, or the need for colonoscopies either.
Older people have five times the chance of developing constipation than younger people. Older people then concern themselves with having a daily bowel movement and become concerned when there is not one. Without this kind of focused bowel movement each day, the old person has even more anxiety, which adds to their plate already. Anxiety increases constipation. In general, have a stress-free lifestyle and eat a fiber-rich diet, and your constipation relief should come in no time.
Some medications can also cause constipation. Obviously, avoid these. These include antacids, antispasmodic drugs, antidepressants, iron tablets, and anticonvulsant drugs. Without such drugs, you may suffer symptoms, but you will have to counteract it with more drugs to fix the problem, and that is untenable to say the least on the subject.
Bob is the owner of Colon Cleansers website. Three or fewer bowel movements a week usually means you are constipated. The stool can be hard and dry making it painful to pass. From time to time, most everyone gets constipated. Learn more about constipation relief.
Constipation Cures
Constipation Relief FoodsRead through Constipation Symptoms extra
Constipation Symptoms
ConstipationConstipation is a subjective feeling of insufficient evacuation of the bowel, and dry or painful passing of stool. There is a popular misconception that it is a must to have at least one bowel movement every day. Medical facts do not support this view.
There are no fixed Symptoms of Constipation except for persons having a serious underlying cause, where Constipation itself is a symptom of that problem. However, some general Constipation Symptoms are followed as guidelines. When the bowel movement is less than three times a week it is considered to be a symptom of Constipation. Other symptoms include hard and dry pellet-like stools, straining too much to pass stools, painful bowel movement, feeling of bloated stomach, uneasiness and sluggishness, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
When the patient suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the colon goes into spasms. This alternately causes Constipation and diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas and bloating. A physical examination may find local anorectal lesions, such as anal fissures, fistulae, strictures, cancer and thrombosed hemorrhoids and stenosis, abscess, rectal prolapse, bleeding, hernia, fecal retention or abdominal distention. In pelvic floor dysfunction the sphincter muscle of the anus tenses rather than relaxes when the patient attempts a bowel movement. In elderly woman a search may reveal a rectocele bulging into the vagina.
Apart from a physical examination, other examination procedures include blood tests (which may reveal hypothyroidism), abdominal x-rays, barium enemas, colonic transit studies, defecography, ano-rectal motility studies, colonic motility studies and more.
The history of the patients' Constipation may indicate various symptoms. It would include the factors like the time spent in the toilet to defecate, the changes - environmental and psychological - that have taken place prior to the onset of the problem, steps taken to control the problem, such as the use of laxatives (laxative abuse is one of the common cause of Constipation), other measures or behavior patterns adopted by the patient to facilitate bowel movements, and the psychological condition of the patient, where Constipation induces mental worries which in turn worsen the condition, in a vicious cycle.
Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].
Read through What is Constipation? additional
In medical terms, the answer to the question "what is constipation" is simple and straightforward: it's having bowel movements less than three times a week. But in reality, the answer all depends on the individual, and what's normal for you.
Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint in the US, effecting more than 4 million people. It is most frequent among women over 65, and it accounts for more than 2.5 million doctor visits annually. Americans spend more than $725 million on laxative products each year.
Virtually everyone will experience difficult or irregular elimination at some time during their life, and medical experts say that occasional irregularity isn't generally a cause for concern. But in some cases it is; the sudden onset of acute constipation can be an urgent symptom of an underlying condition, and for many people constipation is a chronic and life-disrupting problem that effects both comfort and health.
What is "normal"?
Medically speaking, the range of "normal" bowel movements is anywhere from three times per week to three times per day. Experts agree that though for many people a daily bowel movement is both natural and normal, it's definitely not medically essential for health. Going without a bowel movement for as long as three days doesn't necessarily lead to physical discomfort, and there is no evidence that infrequent movements lead to an accumulation of toxins.
But since frequency elimination is an intensely individual aspect of health, what is "normal" depends on what is normal for each person. Statistics indicate that less than 50% of people do have a bowel movement every day, and most people don't have the same number of movements each day.
Simply put, not having daily bowel movements doesn't mean you're constipated. But having difficult or uncomfortable movements, or fewer bowel movements than is usual and comfortable for you, does.
The mechanics of irregularity
Understanding constipation involves understanding how the digestive system works. Food that we've eaten moves out of the stomach and into the large intestine, or colon, which transforms the unusable residue of the food into waste products. In the process the colon absorbs water from the food, reducing it to solid material called stool, and muscle contractions in the colon push the stool toward the rectum.
Problems with this process are the technical cause of constipation. If the colon absorbs too much water from the waste that moves through it, stool can become too solid. The slower the waste moves through the colon the more water will be absorbed, so weak or sluggish intestinal muscle contractions result in stool that is hard, dry, and difficult to expel. In severe cases, the stool may become impacted in the intestine and actually block it.
When is constipation a cause for concern?
It's important to know what schedule of elimination is normal for you, and to keep in mind that occasional irregularity is generally neither unusual nor alarming. However, there are some indications that elimination problems could be serious and may require medical treatment. Consider consulting with a physician if you observe any of the following in conjunction with constipation:
- you experience abdominal pain
- you see blood in your stool
- if your stool is black
- if you need to use laxatives regularly
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What is Constipation?
Examine Relief From Severe Constipation a lot more
Severe constipation is experienced when there is inability to move your bowels and the stool is retained within for a period longer than three days. This is downright inconvenient and uncomfortable not to mention painful.
Thankfully, there are things that you can do to get some relief. What are these?
The safest way to treating irregular bowel movements is the natural way. Some of them are provided in this article.
If you notice you get constipated most of the time, perhaps it is time to change your diet. Do you prefer processed foods like pizzas, ice creams and burgers?
If so, then lessen your intake of these as they cause difficulty in defecation. Eat fiber rich foods instead like veggies and fruits. Bran, whole grain and seeds are also great sources of this essential dietary fiber.
Severe constipation can also be caused by insufficient water intake and if you take too much alcohol or coffee. An average of 2 quarts of water daily helps the colon move stool smoothly. If a person is dehydrated, the movement of the bowels is slowed down as well.
Avoid refined sugars, fried foods, white flour and cheese. These are the common causes of defecation problems as they slow down digestion when taken excessively.
Yogurt with live cultures and probiotics assist with smooth bowel movements. Regular exercise can also regulate the digestive system and make the passage of stool easier.
If needed, take a stool softener but make sure you take only mild ones. Harsh laxatives only aggravate the symptoms especially when taken in a long term basis. Instead of getting relief from severe constipation, you might end up having unnatural bowel movements which can cause even more serious problems.
Discover the effective Constipation Remedy that will cure your constipation for good but the medical industry doesn't want you to know about.
These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have helped thousands of constipation sufferers to cure constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out how to cure constipation in 7 days by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.
Relief From Severe Constipation
Constipation Relief FoodsRead Autism Treatment - Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, Auto Intoxication - Part 2 more
Autism Treatment - Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, Auto Intoxication - Part 2
ConstipationPart 1 of this series discussed the issue of autointoxication. Autointoxication refers to toxins that are reabsorbed when feces is not expelled through normal bowel movements and when constipation is a problem. When those toxins are reabsorbed, undesirable behaviors like aggression and irritability can occur along with the constipation.
Toxins from yeast and bacteria overgrowth can also be directly absorbed from the digestive tract. This is a very common thing that I see in my practice time and time again. When a child is constipated, that can lead to lack of eye contact, behavioral problems and even lack of speech in some children. So if improvements in therapies, and this can be therapies other than the biomedical ones, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, etc. wane and you start to see regression, there could be an underlying constipation issue at play and they are not having regular bowel movements like they should.
To avoid constipation, your child should ideally be having a bowel movement once a day at the minimum or even twice a day. I also have heard many parents say that their child does have a bowel movement everyday but you need to be aware of the size of the bowel movement. Even if the bowel movement is fairly large, the child could have much more stool in their digestive tract that is not being passed, leading to this problem with constipation. Or if their stool is very dry, like small little pellets, that is also a sign of constipation issues and so assessment of the digestive tract is very important.
Taking your child to see their doctor for an abdominal x-ray is a very simple thing you can do to assess constipation. And x-ray will let you see if there is a large amount of fecal matter in the digestive tract. The bowels can be a source of input of nutrients from our food but they can also be a source of toxicity if constipation is an issue. And behavioral problems can occur as a result of the constipation as well.
Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to
Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free ebook at
Understand How to Avoid Needing Constipation Relief for Christmas far more
How to Avoid Needing Constipation Relief for Christmas
Constipation Relief FoodsTips for Constipation Relief at Christmas Time
With Thanksgiving over, you might be happy to have avoided any flare ups with the relatives, but you might not be so lucky as to have avoided needing some constipation relief. In fact, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a high risk time for developing chronic constipation because there is a tendency to overeat and consume more sugars than usual. But with a few helpful tips you can avoid needing constipation relief this holiday season.
• Stay Hydrated - without enough water consumption, your body will attempt to take the water it needs from your colon - leaving your stool dry and your body susceptible to constipation (chronic or occasional). Dehydration can be intensified by the extra coffee and alcohol that is typically consumed over the holiday season. These drinks dehydrate you and make your colon work in overdrive to try to get water from your food.
• Don't fall off the wagon - exercise! Oftentimes people relax their exercise regiment over the Thanksgiving holiday and allow it to stay relaxed until after New Years. But steady exercise is one of the best things you can do for natural constipation relief. Cardiovascular and stretching exercises help induce peristalsis (intestinal contractions) and reduce the time food stays in your body. This is important because as discussed above, the faster stool moves through your body, the less time the intestines has to extract water from it and cause constipation.
• Be aware of the effect of flying on your colon - traveling is very common over both Thanksgiving and Christmas. When flying, you are bombarded with an above average amount of radiation because there is less atmosphere to filter out harmful particles from space. Pilots and flight attendants have been shown to have higher incidences of cancer from this radiation. For your purposes, this radiation can damage the beneficial bacteria in your colon that is essential for healthy intestinal contractions and may require supplementation to help keep your regular.
Stay Regular over Christmas
You can stay hydrated and keep your exercise schedule without any supplement to your diet. But for some extra support when the big meals come, try a digestive enzyme to help break down food, prevent bloating and gas, and provide constipation relief. As we age, we produce less digestive enzymes and if we don't successfully break down the big meals that come at the holidays it can lead to the beginning of constipation.
In regards to flying and constipation relief - a probiotic can help mediate against any damage radiation may cause your beneficial bacteria. Probiotics act as natural laxatives by fueling the colon with the nutrients it needs for healthy movement. Try these methods and you should have a pleasant and regular holiday season!
Jeff Fields is the CEO of StayRegular, a natural products company specializing in the holistic relief of chronic constipation.
Go through Easy Ways to Find Relief From Constipation additional
For most, experiencing constipation is an embarrassing matter. People normally do not acknowledge suffering from constipation in fear of getting ridiculed. It is considered humiliating for some as it involves divulging bowel movements, which a lot of people would consider taboo. However, finding relief from constipation need not cause more stress as there are various types of constipation remedies which can be purchased or done.
Constipation is defined as passing hard stools or problems with bowel movement. Pain is a common part of constipation as individuals strain to initiate bowel movement. As such, individuals who suffer from this condition often feel that they need to do more trips to the bathroom to finish the process.
According to some reports, the condition is said to be due to a poor diet and not drinking a lot of water. The insufficient digestion of meats and fast foods, coupled with lack of liquids in the system is what produces the body to produce stools that are hard, dry and difficult to pass. There are numerous remedies which can be easily prepared at home and can relieve the constipation.
Some people who suffer from constipation often run to the nearest shop that sells laxatives. More often than not, these are made from chemicals. A build-up of these chemicals may cause may cause more harm to the body than good. As an alternative to laxatives, use fruits instead. Amongst all fruits and vegetable, ripe bael can produce the same effect and is safer to use. Besides its laxative properties, the fruit is successful in toning up the intestines and cleaning them in the process. As with other forms of laxatives, this fruit should only be taken in moderation and for a limited time only.
With people who suffer from constipation should avoid drinking milk, more specifically, cow's milk. Soy milk and fat free milk are possible alternatives. Adding two to three teaspoons ordinary castor oil, honey or psyllium husk to a glass of milk are other simple home remedies to constipation. People are advised to drink this concoction before bedtime. Water and fruit juices are other liquids that should be consumed regularly if experiencing symptoms associated with constipation. A mixture consisting of equal parts of olive oil and orange juice is also effective in alleviating constipation symptoms. With regular exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables and chewing more thoroughly, finding relief from constipation has become easier.
Constipation ReliefTag :
Easy Ways to Find Relief From Constipation
Study How to Overcome Digestion and Constipation Problems? a lot more
Constipation is one of the serious diseases that are resulted from improper digestion. If there is any problem in the natural bowel movement then you result in constipation. A large proportion of the people will face the problem of constipation at least once in a year.
There are certain serious cases of constipation which is due to some hormonal problems and liver congestions. These serious problems should be consulted with a doctor before taking the medicines for it.
There are mainly three types of constipation
• Severe constipation
• Acute constipation
• Chronic
There are natural constipation relief medicines available in the market for all the three kinds of constipation problem. There are certain people who have greater chanced for getting constipation, they are:
• Old aged people
• Women who are pregnant
• Women soon after the birth of the baby
• People who take fast/junk food
• People who lack exercise
• Frequently travelling people
Natural constipation relief medicines will help you to overcome the problems of improper digestion and constipation. Maintain a good diet rich in fibers will also greatly help you to prevent this disease. It is also advisable to take a lot of water.
These herbal constipation relief products will also aid in the natural digestion process of your body. The muscle contractions in the intestine will enhanced by certain herbs which can be used as a safe method to increase your digestion.
The severity of the disease will vary from person to person. Irrespective of the type of constipation problem natural constipation relief medicine can be taken by them. But the duration and amount of medicine for acute, severe and chronic constipation will differ. The toxic waste will be removed from the body by these natural laxatives which will enhance your digestion.
Natural Constipation Relief Herbal Health Products
How to Overcome Digestion and Constipation Problems?
Constipation ReliefStudy Natural Home Remedies for Constipation - 10 Simple and Best Way to Get Relief far more
Constipation causes much physical discomfort and also mental distress for patients. One must immediately seek doctor's advice in case of acute constipation, for constipation may have serious, underlying medical cause like tumors of the colon.
Constipation is a very common problem that all of us suffer at one time or another in our life. There are many laxatives and other products promising to cure constipation. However you can also get relief from this embarrassing problem through simple home remedies for constipation.
10 Simple Home Remedies for Constipation to Get Relief
Here are some natural remedies for constipation that you can try at your home to get relief from constipation.
1. Spinach has always been considered very effective for treating any digestive tract disorders. 100 ml spinach juice mixed in equal quantities of water may be taken two times a day to manage chronic constipation.
2. The juice of half a lime mixed in a glass of water, with a pinch of salt added to it serves as an effective drink to tackle constipation problems.
3. A teaspoon of linseed may be swallowed with water before meals. This will supply the body with roughage and also will lubricate the intestines.
4. Drinking of water stored in a copper vessel over night, may fetch beneficial results.
5. A solution of half teaspoon honey and half cup warm water may be taken thrice a day to keep constipation away.
6. Two teaspoon Castor oil may be added to a glass of warm milk and drunk every night before going to bed.
7. One may soak one to two dates (seed removed) in a cup of water overnight. In the morning the dates are to be mashed and the pulp is to be removed. Drinking one teaspoon of the water thrice a day would fetch good results.
8. A solution made out of one teaspoon corn syrup added to a glass of water can relieve constipation.
9. A mixture of half cup olive oil and half cup orange juice is an effective home remedy for constipation.
10. Eating of guavas and pears would help in the normal evacuation process of bowel.
Hope I have covered some of the simple and highly effective natural home remedies for constipation. Eat healthy and drink plenty of water to say good bye to constipation.
Copyright © Dr Andrew Napier, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.
Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article.
Read more useful Home Remedies for Constipation. Also know effective Home Remedies for Asthma.
Natural Home Remedies for Constipation - 10 Simple and Best Way to Get Relief
Examine A Guide To Constipation Relief more
If you're suffering from constipation, one of the most important things you want and need is relief. Constipation is one of the most frustrating conditions you can experience, because you find yourself in pain when you're doing something that should be relaxing: using the restroom. Your body has to remove toxins from your body on a consistent basis, and this process comes through urinating and having bowel movements.
There are a number of ways you can get relief from constipation, and all of them can be either broken down into immediate solutions or preventive solutions. If you have constipation right now, you will naturally want immediate solutions to the problem.
The immediate solution would be to purchase laxatives from your local convenience store, supermarket, or pharmacy. All of these establishments have a medicine section, and that section will have laxatives. Laxatives work by breaking down the fecal matter in the body and allowing you to have a bowel movement which is free of pain.
Stool softeners are also products which can be used to soften the stool, allowing it to pass out of the rectum pain free. Most laxatives will require you to take them orally, and while some may come in the form of liquids, others may come in the form of pills. Each product will have directions on the back, so you will want to read and follow them carefully.
Following the directions properly will make it easier for you to overcome the constipation problem. After taking the laxative, you will normally have to wait a certain period of time before it begins working, perhaps and hour or two.
As far as long term solutions are concerned, drinking lots of water, and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help you avoid constipation altogether, and you will be able to save money on laxatives. The foods you eat can act as a natural laxative as long as you purchase foods which are rich in fiber. A fiber rich diet is one of the primary tools in granting constipation relief.
For more information on constipation relief [] and other constipation related issues, please visit: []
A Guide To Constipation Relief
Examine A Guide to Treatment and Relief of Constipation more
Constipation - we all know the feeling. Most people suffer from constipation at least once in their lifetime. Constipation is not a disease, rather, it's is a series of symptoms that can be caused by any number of things, from poor diet, lack of exercise, a side effect of medications, a side effect of a more serious illness or disease, and major changes in your life. People can suffer from constipation from infancy and throughout their lives.
The most important thing to know is if you are actually suffering from constipation or if it is actually your body's natural schedule. Each body works on it's own schedule. Being aware of your body's schedule will enable you to determine if you are suffering from the symptoms of constipation and if you should treat these symptoms.
Commercials for laxatives would have you believe that everyone needs to have a bowel movement at least once a day. This is not always the case. Some people need to have a bowel movement more often - they naturally defecate 2-3 times per day. Some people naturally defecate once per day - while still others may only need to defecate 2-3 times per week. There is no set precedence. Each individual body functions according to it's own timetable.
So, when should you worry about constipation? Most physicians diagnose constipation if the following criteria are present: Less than 3 bowel movements in a week (less that 1 for more serious cases), extreme difficulty passing feces, feces that is dry, hard, and small, and bloating or discomfort in the abdomen. Once you have been diagnosed with constipation, you should develop a plan to decrease the episodes of constipation as naturally as possible. While constipation is not in itself a serious ailment, the failure to treat it could lead to more serious illnesses.
Constipation Treatment
There are many constipation treatments available - from medications to natural treatments. In severe cases, your physician may recommend the use of laxatives for constipation relief. But in most cases, the physician will want you to relieve the constipation with natural treatments. While laxatives may sometimes be a necessary constipation treatment, you will only want to rely on laxatives for short-term
relief. Overuse of laxatives can cause your digestive system to become dependent on the laxatives and can disrupt the normal digestive cycle - this could lead to a more serious bout of constipation.
The best constipation treatment is one that consists of a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. A healthy diet and exercise are essential for your overall health - and in turn, a healthy digestive system is essential for your overall health. A healthy diet should consist of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that are rich in fiber, and foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. You should limit your intake of foods that may trigger constipation - such as dairy products, foods that may cause gas, and foods that are high in protein. Some protein is necessary, of course, but foods like red meats, which have high protein content, can do more damage to your digestive system than good.
You should also try to avoid stress whenever possible. Stress and other life-changing events can contribute to the onset of constipation. Should you find that you are actually suffering from constipation, you should seek natural constipation relief whenever possible. There are many natural constipation treatments. Many of these can be used daily in order to prevent constipation - and many can be used to provide constipation relief after the symptoms begin. Infants often suffer from constipation, as their bodies need to adjust to changes more rapidly than adults. A great remedy for constipation relief in infants is adding corn syrup to the formula. Corn syrup can also be added to warm water or warm milk for older children and adults.
It is very important for your overall health to be aware of your body's natural digestive cycle and to do things that will help your body to perform this cycle naturally. Living a healthy lifestyle is the best thing that you can do for your body.
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Constipation Relief at is the WorldÂ’s Largest Alternative Health Portal. Also participate in Health Questions Q&A where you can Ask, Answer and Earn Money! Also visit the exclusive Baby Care Guide section.
A Guide to Treatment and Relief of Constipation
Constipation ReliefStudy Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief much more
Do you think that your back pain is brought on by chronic constipation? Do you consistently strain at the loo? Do you have to keep pushing until the pain gets unbearable? Well, chances are that constipation may be part of the problem.
Research has shown that apart from constipation, there could also be an underlying cause of the pain. In this article we'll be looking at the relationship between back pain and constipation. I'll also show you what you can do to not only cure the constipation, but also the back pain and its underlying causes -if any.
Constipation is a common condition that affects millions of people annually. It is a major cause of discomfort and back pain and constipation. This can be rather frustrating, painful and debilitating.
Back pain and constipation are caused by many factors. Chief among the factors is the impaction of feces resulting in an overloaded intestine. When an individual aches in the back and has constipation at the same time, it's mostly because of the weight and pressure of the overloaded intestine on the lower back. This often occurs among adults because of their eating habits and lifestyle.
Recent estimates and stats have shown that next to cold and flu, most people visit their physicians because they have aches in different parts of the body. While it is normal to develop aches -particularly back aches- after a stressful physical workout or hectic day, back aches can often be as a result of constipation. Other causes of aches in the back could be stress, excessive walking, degenerative, disc disease, stair climbing, bending, heavy lifting and standing for long periods.
If the above mentioned are not a common part of your daily activities and you are constipating, chances are that you are having a bout of back pain and constipation. Straining hard to pass stool can cause an ache in the lower back. This ache happens because the anus is inflamed and because of the stress put on it when trying to defecate.
Kids are also known suffer from these problems. Parents have been known to take their kids to the doctor to help diagnose an ache only to find that the kid is suffering from pain caused by straining the anal sphincter and nerves. When left untreated, it can be so strong that it weakens the individual.
How Do You Know that Your Back Pain is Caused by Constipation?
Look for the following symptoms. If they are present, then you sure have got it.
• Consistent pain which doesn't ease off even when you're lying down.
• The pain becomes more intense when you're trying to poop.
• It doesn't just remain in the lower back. It extends to the upper region of the back.
• The intensity gradually increases regardless of what pain relief medications you may have taken.
• Loss of appetite and nauseous feeling.
• Numbness and weakness in the legs, buttocks and feet.
• Inability to pass feces and intense pressure on the bladder.
What Can You Do?
They can be treated using various methods. You can opt for pain relievers and laxatives. It is important however to know that pain killers and laxatives or enemas don't mix. However, a meal consisting of a large bowl of All-Bran combined with a tablespoon of oat bran for breakfast, lots of vegetables, whole meal bread and lots of water can work wonders. Others recommend thyroxine as being very efficient.
Back pain and constipation can and will kill you if you continue to treat it with drugs, pills, and enemas. Get rid of it by going to this proven back pain and constipation cures. If your back pain isn't caused by constipation or is even more severe because of the constipation, then you need to get a proven back pain cure. You can get rid of your back pain and constipation if you combine two powerful, proven methods available at
Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief
ConstipationStudy Foods Which Cure Hard Stools far more
Foods Which Cure Hard Stools
Constipation Relief FoodsEveryone suffers from constipation now and then. But what do you do if it's a daily occurrence?
The human intestine is most comfortable when producing stools (bowel movements) of desirable consistency and size. "A brown banana" is a good way to think of the ideal stool - not too hard, not too soft, not too big, not too small. The muscles of the colon are designed to move a soft, banana-size stool right on out. The colon has more difficulty passing hard stools, whether small or large.
Although certain diseases and many medications cause constipation, the most common culprit is inadequate fiber in the diet. Civilized man doesn't eat enough soluble fiber to keep the bowels nicely regulated. Soluble fiber is the kind that can soak up fluids to soften the stool: think dried beans. Dry, hard beans can turn to mush if soaked and cooked long enough to absorb sufficient water. Soluble fiber is not absorbed from the intestines; it goes through unprocessed, soaking up extra water along the way, much like that gelatin stuff in disposable diapers.
So before we even get to foods, don't forget water. No matter what foods you eat, your stools cannot be softened if there's not enough water passing through your intestine.
Also, food cannot soften stools that have already been formed; fiber only softens the next stool along the way. Consider your intestinal tract like a conveyor belt. You want to keep a good supply of fiber moving along the tract in order to keep all your bowel movements a good consistency. The hard stools you have now should pass within a day or two. Then your new stools with higher fiber content from an improved diet can begin to form. Sometimes it takes awhile for the bowel to get used to this - it has to stretch out a bit and get used to working correctly again. Until then, you may experience gas, bloating, cramping, or mild discomfort.
Remember the proverb, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? That's a good place to start. One medium apple has about 3 grams of fiber. You'd have to eat 4 slices of white bread to get that much fiber (and with 4 times the calories).
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. Besides apples, other fruits with especially high soluble fiber content include raspberries, blackberries, and pears. Don't peel your apples and pears - eat the skin, too, for the highest fiber content. And any fruit at all is a better food choice than simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, sweetened cereal, pasta, white flour, or sugar.
Vegetables with a high fiber content include beans, artichokes (who eats those?), peas, spinach, carrots, and broccoli. Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked ones, however somewhat more likely to cause bloating. But any vegetable, cooked or not, is healthier to eat than a simple carb.
Whole grains are a reasonable source of fiber, too. Anything with bran is a good choice. Whole wheat or rye bread are better than white bread. Oatmeal, shredded wheat, brown rice, and peanuts all have a good amount of soluble fiber.
Aim for at least 5 servings a day of these high fiber foods. Again, your colon may take a few days or perhaps a few weeks to adjust to the increase in fiber, but it should be well worth it in the long run. An additional bonus: most of these foods are low in calories but chock full of vitamins and other nutrients - good for you all the way around.
Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, M.D.
Want more tips on constipation? Read: []
Also see Ch. 9, #89, in 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care []
Permission is hereby granted to publish this copyrighted article elsewhere on the web or in print media, in whole or in part, with the stipulation that Dr. Koelker be properly credited as author, and that the material be unaltered with regard to content.
Cynthia J. Koelker MD (Doc Cindy) is a family physician of over twenty years, and holds degrees from MIT, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the University of Akron. She is the author of "101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare."
Read Constipation Home Remedies much more
Constipation Home Remedies
Constipation ReliefIf you are looking for a cure for constipation, home remedies often work. Constipation can happen for a number of reasons often linked to your diet or stress. If you have suddenly started being constipated you should consult your doctor as it can be a sign of a more serious illness. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out illnesses such as hypothyroidism and other problems associated with the large and small intestines.
The good news is that you can deal with this problem very easily once you know how. You need to start as soon as you begin to suffer as failure to deal with blockages can lead to a never ending circle of problems. You could cause piles if you strain too often when going to the toilet. If you already have piles you may be subconsciously causing your constipation in an effort to avoid pain.
Most sufferers try something new but don't keep the treatment going and so think it doesn't work. If you follow these tips your body should start working more efficiently thus eliminating the constipation.
Increasing the quantity of water you drink will help your internal organs to become more efficient at eliminating waste. You should aim to drink at least 1.5 liters a day and more if the weather is very warm.
Increasing the quantity of fiber in your diet will also help. We all should eat more fruit and vegetables but if you are constipated you may want to avoid bananas in the short term. You should aim to have five or six small meals a day to get your system moving. Each of these meals should be made up mainly of fruit and vegetables with some quality protein and carbohydrates. White bread is notorious for causing bowel problems so remove it from your shopping list. Replace with whole meal and do the same with pasta and rice.
Effective home remedies for constipation include chewing your food properly. In our time poor society, we often feel under pressure to eat our meals too quickly. We need to chew properly as the digestion process begins in your mouth with saliva breaking down the food. If your digestion system doesn't work properly you can become constipated.
Are you exercising regularly? If not, you should be. Some people hate going to the gym and use this as an excuse not to exercise. You do not have to follow a gym regime, you can exercise anywhere you like including your own home. It is best to get out into the fresh air if you can but even running up and down your stairs will help to improve your overall fitness levels.
Do you regularly take medication? Have a look at the ingredients as this may be the cause of your problem. A simple home remedy for constipation is to stop using medicines with codeine in them. Obviously you will need to check with your doctor but if you explain your problem, he can often prescribe an alternative. When treating constipation, home remedies should be tried first before resorting to additional medication.
Did you know that constipation can permanently damage your health? The sooner you start taking action in removing constipation from your life the faster you will become healthier and the longer you will live. And you won't have to worry about permanent health problems due to constipation. To get instant FREE relief from constipation just visit Here to get all the information and remedies to get rid of your constipation problems forever.
If you want to get rid of constipation for good then this free report will help you. Giving you the best known treatments, remedies and diets known to man to help you. Do you never have to deal with constipation ever again. Get your free report Here
Go through Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating additional
Constipation & bloating are among the most common ailments that people have. We do not even realize how it gradually undermines our minds & bodies. These have innumerable health hazards. These are physical, internal as well psychological.
Let us see some of the side effects of Constipation and Bloating
· You always feel light headache.
· One feels irritated
· You are actually never active. That means you always feel lethargic & fatigued.
· You have a trouble sleeping.
· You feel groggy.
· The people suffering with constipation & bloating easily catch cold.
· The taste buds almost fail at times as the food & drinks you take taste extremely bad & rotten.
· It causes rheumatic fever.
Treatment of Constipation & Bloating
The treatment of constipation & bloating are closely related to its causes. For instance, in case it has happened due to lack of fiber in your diet, you must start taking enough fibers in your meals in the form of salads, juices, etc. Also some times, they happen due to some particular medicines that you take. In that case, when you stop taking that medicine, the problem is cured.However there are several other tips & treatments to cure & prevent constipation & bloating.
Here are some of the tips that would help you avoid this chronic ailment:
· You must have loads of water. That is the best detoxifier for the bowel. Properly hydrated water system would always keep your bowel clean.
· Exercise regularly. That makes you active and brings the digestion system back on track.
· Have your meals on time & never miss them.
· As far as possible, avoid taking processed food. Whole grains are a much better diet option.
· Also there are several diet supplements that help in curing & preventing constipation & bloating; for instance acai.
· People do take enemas and other chemical options. But they have several side effects.
However, you must consult the doctor to get the right treatment in case you face severe symptoms of the disease!
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Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating
Understand Beat Constipation With Food, Not Drugs far more
Unfortunately, the typical American diet is sadly devoid of fiber. And if you're one of the millions of people who suffer from gas, constipation, and bloating the lack of fiber could be placing your health in risk.
Not eating enough fiber could be the catalyst to many serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
The good news is that if you increase the fiber in your diet you not only feel'll sleep'll have more energy...and you'll live longer. That's not such a bad deal for a small change in how you eat.
But let me remind you that not all fiber is created equal. And just resorting to swallowing a fiber pill regularly might not be such a great idea. That's because your body craves real fiber from real food.
Different Fiber Does Different Things
There are two primary sources of fiber. They are soluble and insoluble. They both play a crucial role in your good health.
Soluble fiber forms a gel when it mixes with water. Insoluble fiber doesn't.
Let's look at insoluble fiber first. Think of it as a scrubbing brush for your digestive system. It passes through your colon without undergoing much change. It helps to move waste out of your body quicker. This helps to keep your body's pH levels in proper balance. It provides a number of other health benefits, too.
Insoluble fibers helps you to maintain a healthy weight. In fact, the rise in obesity in this country tracks closely with the decline in fiber consumption. A high fiber diet is proven to promote weight loss. 1
Insoluble fiber also helps reduce the risk of colon cancer. In one Japanese study, the participants who had the highest intake of insoluble fiber reduced the risk of colon cancer by 35% when compared to those with the lowest intake. 2
Soluble fiber plays a different role. When it forms a gel, it bonds with certain parts of foods. In the process, it helps to lower your LDL cholesterol levels. It also makes the sugars in food release more slowly, which can help with insulin resistance and diabetes.
In one study, an increase in soluble fiber improved the overall lipid profile of patients. It improved cholesterol ratio levels and reduced other risk factors, as well. 3 Other studies have shown that soluble fiber lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting blood sugar. It also raises HDL cholesterol. Overall, it has a profound affect on heart disease risk factors. 4
The Best Foods to Boost Your Fiber Intake
When it comes to getting more fiber in your diet, I recommend you focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans.
The best sources of insoluble fiber are root vegetables like carrots and turnips, dark leafy greens, green beans, fruits that you eat with the skins on, and seeds and nuts. The best sources of soluble fiber are fruits, vegetables and nuts. Flaxseeds are also good.
By eating more fiber, you'll see immediate results in how you feel and you'll promote your long-term health, too.
Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute For Healthy Aging
1 Hamilton CC, Anderson JW. "Fiber and weight managements," J Fla Med Assoc 1992; 79(6): 379-81
2 Wakai K, et al. "Dietary risk factors for colon and rectal cancers: a comparative case-control study," J Epidemiol 2006; 16(3): 125-35
3 Sola R, et al. "Effects of soluble fiber (Plantago ovata husk) on plasma lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins in men with ischemic heart disease," Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 85(4): 1157-63
4 Butt MS, et al. "Guar gum: a miracle therapy for hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia and obesity," Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2007; 47(4): 389-96
Beat Constipation With Food, Not Drugs
Read 3 Constipation Home Remedies That You Have to Know About additional
Constipation is one of the most uncomfortable feelings that our body can experience. On thing that people don't realize is how much toxins lie hidden within out digestive tract and can cause discomfort. Without the toxins being removed, there is a potential for the toxins to enter our bloodstream and cause problems to occur in many other parts of our body.
There are many medicines that can be purchased for relief, but natural constipation home remedies can offer relief without side effects. In this article you will discover three home remedies that will take care of the constipation.
One way that is recommended is to drink six to eight glasses of water on a regular daily basis. Drinking water in your regular daily diet is very beneficial to your health in many ways. It helps eliminate your system of many things that aren't good for it. Six to eight glasses of water a day is the recommended amount that helps digest and break down food nutrients which will help in an easier and softer bowel movement. Water that has been kept in a copper container overnight can be an immediate relief for constipation.
The second way to help in constipation is by eating certain fruits and vegetables. Mango, figs dipped in water and consumed in the morning, dates with milk and using the juice from two oranges in the morning is great in relieving constipation. Ingesting half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day is also known for being beneficial in helping your bowels move and keeping them regulated normally.
A gentle way for constipation home remedies is a method of a rose petal jelly. First, obtain 100 grams of white rose petals and remove the base. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of clear honey, two tablespoons of orange juice, 150 ml of water and 450 grams of white cane sugar in a stainless steel bowl. Let the sugar dissolve and then add the rose petals. Heat the mixture and constantly stir until the petals appear to melt into the mixture. Cool and then seal the jelly well. Take one teaspoon of the jelly a day and this is a very gentle constipation reliever.
If you would like know about a simple, but effective method for natural constipation relief [], visit [] for more information.
3 Constipation Home Remedies That You Have to Know About
Read through Constipation: An in Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatments more
Constipation: An in Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
ConstipationChronic constipation can bring on a variety of incontinence issues. While patients with incontinence feel that they may "never go" as they seek treatment they may experience everything from loose bowels to complete bowel incontinence before the constipation is resolved. This makes it imperative that anyone who is experiencing chronic constipation have access to the right incontinence products. From wearing incontinence pads to using adult diapers these can all be tools that help to manage the condition until it is resolved.
Constipation occurs when the body is unable to remove feces from the body. This can be due to several different causes. Some of the causes of constipation include but are not limited to:
• Not chewing well enough - You may be surprised to learn that how well you chew your food will determine how easily it passes through your body. You need to chew your food well in order to break it down for your stomach and allow the nutrients to be absorbed. When your food has not been chewed enough it makes it a lot harder to pass it through your system.
• Not having enough fiber - This is problem for many people. The fiber is what absorbs water while the food is passing through the colon. Fiber is what makes it easy for the entire waste removal process of the body to function. When there is not enough fiber in the body the colon will create much harder stools which in turn will make defection harder to do.
• Not having enough water - Many people are surprised to learn that the human body is made up of nearly 70% water. However, the less water that you take in the less you will have in your system. Because of this deficit the colon will absorb water from the stools in your body in order to make up the difference. This can in turn lead to constipation.
Symptoms of constipation most often include the following:
• An inability to move stool through the rectum - The patient may feel that they just cannot move their stools despite continued pushing.
• An overwhelming urge to defecate - Because of the continued buildup of stool the patient with constipation may feel an almost constant urge to defecate.
• An abdominal pain that ranges from mild to serious - While the colon is trying to deal with the backup of stool many patients report abdominal pain that can be anything from mild to severe.
Treatment for constipation can include the following:
• Diet and lifestyle changes - This can include eating more fiber, drinking more water, getting regular exercise and taking time for regular bowel movements.
• Laxatives - These types of medications can be habit forming, so it is important that these are considered only when diet and lifestyle change are not working.
• Other medications - These medications are usually only prescribed when diet and lifestyle changes along with the use of laxatives are not working. Your doctor will determine what type of medication is right for you.
• Procedures - There is a variety of procedures (both surgical and non - surgical), that can be tried should the above listed treatment options not be successful. Keep in mind that these are usually only done as a last resort.
While treatment for constipation can seem embarrassing it is imperative that you seek out help if the problem is chronic. Chronic constipation can bring on several serious medical conditions if it is left untreated. While pursing treatment it is also important to use the right kind of incontinence product that will help to make dealing with this problem much easier.
Incontinence products Dianna Malkowski is a Board Certified Physician Assistant and Mayo Clinic trained nutritionist specializing in diabetes, cancer, wound healing, therapeutic diets and nutrition support. Visit the Care Giver Partnership for more info on Incontinence supplies.
Go through Constipation and Gas - The Link Between Flatulence and Being Constipated additional
Constipation and Gas - The Link Between Flatulence and Being Constipated
ConstipationConstipation and gas have a definite connection. Constipation causes the person's stool to be hard, making it a challenge to pass. This can cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which can bring pain. The person experiences cramps and bowel sounds and flatulence, or gas.
There are different signs of constipation, including bowel movements that are infrequent at three times or less in a week, difficulty during a bowel movement due to the hard stools and the inability to complete the defecation.
Flatulence comes hand-in-hand with constipation. This gas happens when there is pressure through the anus, and this pressure exceeds the sphincter's ability to handle it. Flatulence can be present when feces are found in the rectum, so if a person is constipated, they are more likely to suffer from gas. The flatulence is more likely to have a foul odor when there is feces, or any bacteria present.
If the gas builds up, it can become painful for the individual and constipation is more likely to occur if flatulence is held inside.
A person can be constipated even if they experienced bowel movements on a daily basis. There are two types of stools on the Bristol Stool Chart that identify constipation. The first can be described as small lumps, similar to nuts, which are hard to pass. The second stool is sausage shaped but lumpy.
There is a type of constipation that is considered the most severe- obstipation. This is when the constipation becomes so bad that both feces and gas are prevented from passing.
For more information on constipation and constipation relief, visit today.
Study Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation far more
Constipation is a symptom whereby one have trouble in passing stool. Many folk appear to think that infrequent bowel movement is what constipation is all about, however this is not particularly correct. In fact the majority of constipated men and women do not have regular toilet, but it's also true that with most, evacuating of the bowels a few times a week is the usual pattern. So the basics are, if you pass stool often or infrequently, if the process is painful and the stool is dry, then you have constipation.
However, constipation is not an ailment on its own. It is the symptom of the food and water not properly passing through the colon. The colon absorbs too much water, making the stool to be dry. This causes the muscles have difficulty in compacting and getting rid of the feces.
Fruits and pills
So, plainly, to alleviate constipation you must make sure that the colon can take care of the ingested food and water easily. That is to say, a constipated patient must consume those kinds of food that will not be hard on the overworked colon. The remedies for constipation are of two types ---- natural and medicative. To use a different type of scale, remedies for constipation can too be divided into 3 groups ---- those that the patient likes consuming, those that he or she does not, and those that the sufferer abhors having administered. The final group comprises of getting enemas.
There are a number of fruits and vegetables that are understood to be natural constipation cures. These include wood apple, guava, pear, grapes, figs and papaya. Some of them are bound to be fruits that you wouldn't eat for a million dollars But as these could assist you get out of a nightmarish morning procedure, maybe you should relax your viewpoint a bit.
Those who suffer from occasional constipation prefer to use laxatives, either the lubricant variety or the emollient one, since one-time uses of these produce results.
Everyday remedies
There is no dearth of homecures for constipation. Drinking senna leaf tea or lukewarm water with honey first thing in the morning is known to facilitate bowel movement. Consuming a teaspoonful of virgin coconut oil before going to bed brings about easy bowel movement. Another tried and tested constipation remedy is dried isabgol husk soaked in milk. This is usually drunk at bedtime, as are some other facilitators of bowel movement, like linseed oil.
Eat wisely
To make sure that constipation does not keep recurring, you will need to make changes in your eating habits. Make your meals rich in leafy vegetables, and chew a lot before swallowing while you are eating meals. Drink plenty of water during the day. Maintain usual sleeping hours. And finally, don't get excited over the tiresome visit to the toilet every day morning. You should never underestimate the psycho-somatic effect such nervousness can have on you.
Find out all about Natural and Effective Constipation Cures at
Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation
ConstipationGo through Your Digestive System and the Many Factors of Constipation much more
Your Digestive System and the Many Factors of Constipation
Constipation Relief FoodsIf you found yourself on the hunt for a good constipation cure, you may wonder what really causes your digestive problem.
Constipation naturally is not fun. This condition can be downright painful for many of us, leaving us looking for some kind of constipation remedy that would halt the pain and pressure.
So what is it that is sending you looking for constipation remedy? To understand that, you need to understand the digestive system more clearly.
* Food Intake. The food you eat is one of the many reasons why you suffer from constipation and chances are you need to search for constipation relief.
As you ingest food, naturally it makes its way down into your stomach where the stomach acid breaks the food items down into smaller pieces so it can pull nutrients out of it.
* The Small Intestine. Once food has completed its time in your stomach, it heads down into the small intestine. More chemicals are mixed with the food particles to break them down even further, letting the body to pull nutrients from the food through the wall of the intestine.
* The Large Intestine (Bowel). Not all food in the small intestine can be broken down and absorbed through the wall of the intestine. The pieces that can't move on to the large intestine as waste.
* Waste Removal. Eventually the body triggers as muscle reaction to let you know it is time to remove the waste from your body system. This is when you have a bowel movement and eradicate what is left from your system.
Where does constipation problem come in?
Constipation is a blockade in this system, especially in the intestines. There are a number of various things that can lead to searching a remedy for constipation.
* Fiber. The first reason why you must look for constipation remedy is because you have not had enough fiber in your diet. Typically fiber helps the body move waste through the system. But diets low in fiber mean there are heavier masses in the system that are hard to clear, which could become clogged and lead to constipation.
* Not Enough Fluids. Another common reason why many of us search for constipation cure is because their body is dehydrated. You body, by nature, needs lot of fluids to do its job. But if you don't drink enough fluids, chances are good that your digestive tract will find it harder to pass waste out and this can lead to back up in the colon system and constipation.
There are various ways you can try when you are looking for constipation relief. In fact, the first thing you could consider is to have a colon cleanse and this is the right way to get your system cleared of any blockage and turn things back to the way they should be.
Once you are through with a colon cleanse, you should also make sure to add more fiber to your diet. It is best to do this with food intake, but you could also add even more benefit through taking a fiber supplement that would aid your body in moving waste out smoothly.
Stuart Griffin is a freelance writer. He widely writes for health and wellness. He prides himself in finding the best constipation treatment online. He agrees that the best colon cleanse are found at
Examine How to Avoid Needing Constipation Relief for Christmas more
How to Avoid Needing Constipation Relief for Christmas
Constipation ReliefTips for Constipation Relief at Christmas Time
With Thanksgiving over, you might be happy to have avoided any flare ups with the relatives, but you might not be so lucky as to have avoided needing some constipation relief. In fact, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a high risk time for developing chronic constipation because there is a tendency to overeat and consume more sugars than usual. But with a few helpful tips you can avoid needing constipation relief this holiday season.
• Stay Hydrated - without enough water consumption, your body will attempt to take the water it needs from your colon - leaving your stool dry and your body susceptible to constipation (chronic or occasional). Dehydration can be intensified by the extra coffee and alcohol that is typically consumed over the holiday season. These drinks dehydrate you and make your colon work in overdrive to try to get water from your food.
• Don't fall off the wagon - exercise! Oftentimes people relax their exercise regiment over the Thanksgiving holiday and allow it to stay relaxed until after New Years. But steady exercise is one of the best things you can do for natural constipation relief. Cardiovascular and stretching exercises help induce peristalsis (intestinal contractions) and reduce the time food stays in your body. This is important because as discussed above, the faster stool moves through your body, the less time the intestines has to extract water from it and cause constipation.
• Be aware of the effect of flying on your colon - traveling is very common over both Thanksgiving and Christmas. When flying, you are bombarded with an above average amount of radiation because there is less atmosphere to filter out harmful particles from space. Pilots and flight attendants have been shown to have higher incidences of cancer from this radiation. For your purposes, this radiation can damage the beneficial bacteria in your colon that is essential for healthy intestinal contractions and may require supplementation to help keep your regular.
Stay Regular over Christmas
You can stay hydrated and keep your exercise schedule without any supplement to your diet. But for some extra support when the big meals come, try a digestive enzyme to help break down food, prevent bloating and gas, and provide constipation relief. As we age, we produce less digestive enzymes and if we don't successfully break down the big meals that come at the holidays it can lead to the beginning of constipation.
In regards to flying and constipation relief - a probiotic can help mediate against any damage radiation may cause your beneficial bacteria. Probiotics act as natural laxatives by fueling the colon with the nutrients it needs for healthy movement. Try these methods and you should have a pleasant and regular holiday season!
Jeff Fields is the CEO of StayRegular, a natural products company specializing in the holistic relief of chronic constipation.
Go through Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation? additional
There are many proposed cures for constipation, but is there really a best cure for constipation? Out of the bunch can any one method be singled out as a surefire cure for digestive troubles? There are both advantages and disadvantages to the various cures for constipation.
One of the common methods to cure constipation is to change your diet. The standard Western diet includes too many processed foods and too little nutrients. An absence of fiber in the diet can contribute to constipation as well as an increase in water intake. These dietary changes are the most natural, least invasive and least expensive. However, fiber and water might not help with chronic constipation. Many people increase fiber and water in their diet only to find out that they still have trouble from time to time. If this method is unreliable, it shouldn't be considered.
Some people think laxatives are good and easy for constipation. Laxatives work in a few different ways. Some bulk the stool and help your intestines retain water. Others stimulate bowel contractions by irritating nerve endings in the intestines. There are herbal laxatives and man made laxatives. The biggest problem with laxatives is that people can become dependent on them for bowel movements. If you don't treat the core cause of constipation, you'll have to use laxatives again and again to gain relief from the symptoms. Some people have actually become addicted to laxatives and permanently affected their ability to have bowel movements naturally.
Laxatives can also cause side effects that are more uncomfortable than the constipation itself. Depending on the type of laxative you use, you might experience everything from excess gas to nausea and headaches. Some other common symptoms are intestinal cramps, feeling lightheaded, migraines, bloating and diarrhea. These side effects definitely take laxatives out of the running for the best cure for constipation.
Prescription drugs seemed like welcome relief for people suffering from chronic constipation. These drugs created bowel movements by effecting chemicals in your intestines to create bowel contractions. They were intended to regulate bowel movements and help people overcome chronic constipation. However, prescription drugs are far from being the best cure for chronic constipation. Their side effects include migraines, nausea, diarrhea and dry mouth, just to name a few.
The bad news is that most conventional methods for constipation relief don't treat the underlying cause of constipation. The good news is that cures for constipation do exists. They should treat the root causes, instead of just the symptoms.
Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.
Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation?
Constipation ReliefStudy Constipation: How To Promote The Intestinal Transit extra
Constipation worries us. There is more to see the number of products on the market that promises to go to the bathroom without problems. Not to mention the TV ads. Many we're surprised to see actress Natalia Verbeke telling her toilet that he had returned to stay, but also were reflected in the anguish of not being able to go to the bathroom and happiness that overwhelms us when we finally made it.
The reasons for this difficulty visiting the toilet, which affects one in five Spanish, especially women and over 65 years are: poor nutrition, low fiber intake, breakfast and dinner exaggerated loose, eat quickly, drink little fluid, sedentary, overweight and taking certain medications (antidepressants and antihypertensives).
It does not help that we endure what we hurry or want because we believe it is the right place, e.g. when we received "the call" at work. If we habitually suppress the body will let us know and constipation knock on the door.
But we need not obsessed with going to the bathroom every day. "The normal range is between three times a week and three times a day, says Miguel Bixquert, Chief of Gastroenterology department at the Hospital "Arnau de Vilanova" of Valencia and co-author of the first guide to prevent and treat constipation Foundation Spanish of Gastroenterology. We just need to talk about constipation when we visited the service less than three times a week, demands a great effort and feces are scarce and hard.
How to promote the intestinal transit
To prevent and treat this "lack of desire" we must follow a set of guidelines daily, beginning with a full breakfast that provides fiber (cereals rich in bran and fruits), protein (egg, ham, low-fat cheese or yogurt), plenty of fluids, milk, water and juices.
Many people skip breakfast because they do not feel hungry, but this has a reason: We ate too much too late. "The digestive system does not work well all day. Overnight delayed stomach emptying, which slows intestinal transit". Explains Dr. Bixquert. Therefore, the last meal of the day should be light and be done early, no later than 9:00 PM.
As for the midday meal, experts recommend salads, vegetables and legumes first, and fish or meat grilled or boiled, omelet or second, but always with a side vegetable and fruit for dessert.
The moderate daily exercise (walking, using stairs, dancing) is essential to promote intestinal transit. We also take our time to eat, drink more fluids, reduce alcohol, sweets, animal fats and ready meals, and smoking cessation. The latter may crash because the urban legend says that the snuff helps the toilet, but not true. They also have no scientific basis other "grandma's remedies' like drinking olive oil or a glass of hot water fasting.
If constipation persists, despite complying with all the guidelines above, do not resort to drugs without consulting your doctor.
Another way to take fiber
Although when it comes to fiber to almost everyone comes to mind a "crispy" dry and tasteless, there are many ways to consume: vegetables, roots and tubers (potatoes, turnips, onions, leeks), fruits (berries, oranges, kiwi, apples, pears, bananas, watermelon, plums, apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and quince) and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds).
An attractive way to include our private fiber diet and increase fluid intake are the juices. The popular chef Dario Barrio prepared during the presentation of the guide to prevent constipation three versions very original and delicious: beets, melon and lime, carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger, and watermelon, tomato and basil. Even if we had a home cook like him, who would not seek time for breakfast?
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You can check out our last article about Home Remedies For Constipation