Read Discover How to Get Rid of Constipation Naturally extra

Discover How to Get Rid of Constipation Naturally



Have you experienced having constipation? You must have known the discomfort it brings. Stomach pains, hard tools, difficulty in bowel movements that may lead to bleeding stools and hemorrhoids. These are just some discomforts that may interfere with your daily routine and you have to know how to get rid of constipation before it could get chronic and serious.

Constipation is a common digestive problem and almost anyone struggles from it at one time in their life. It is known that constipation is responsible for many colon diseases such as hemorrhoids, colitis, diverticulosis, varicose veins and possibly colon cancer. Food wastes or fecal matter that stays in your colon longer than necessary is a killer. To help you get rid of constipation here are some tips:

Drink plenty of water. Lack of liquid may lead to constipation. To get rid of constipation, doctors recommend 8 glasses of water everyday. Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. Some find it effective to drink a warm tea early in the morning. Drinking warm milk before bedtime will help you eliminate easily in the morning.

Add fiber to your diet. To get rid of constipation put fibers to your diet. People now are eating more of processed foods and to get rid of constipation you have to eat more fruits and vegetables to get the necessary fiber that you need. Insoluble fiber gives bulk to your diet and soluble fiber turns into soft texture like gel in your intestine to prevent hard and dry stool that are difficult to eliminate.

Bowel movement habit. Train yourself to have early morning elimination. Sit on the toilet 5-10 minutes in the morning to induce the urge to eliminate. To get rid of constipation, do not delay or ignore the urge to eliminate. Some people delay or ignore the urge because they are too busy. Ignoring it may lead to the habit of irregular elimination and may lead to constipation.

Exercise and physical activities. Although it is not yet explained why proper exercise and physical activities has helped some people to get rid of constipation, it is a known fact that exercise is really good for the body. Constipation is common to elderly people who have less physical activities. Proper exercise may increase the natural contractions of the intestine to promote regularity of elimination.

You should learn how to get rid of constipation and establish a regular bowel movement. Everyday you should have a bowel movement for every meal you eat. If you don't have a bowel movement every day, and you eat 2 - 3 meals, will those meals be decaying in your colon?

When you have constipation, millions of toxins are created in the colon that needs to be flushed out with regular bowel movements. Do you know that these toxins are responsible for creating serious illnesses in your colon and throughout the body and even death? Thus, it is important to get rid of constipation.

Did you know that you can get rid of constipation naturally without the side effects of medicines? Now you can eliminate your constipation and feel normal again. No more upset stomach, staying in the bathroom too long, or worrying about when you will have your next bowel movement. Get the natural remedies you need and discover how to get rid of constipation, step by step in 7 days or less visit Constipation Natural Relief

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects Discover How to Get Rid of Constipation Naturally. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Read Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation far more

Constipation is a symptom whereby one have trouble in passing stool. Many folk appear to think that infrequent bowel movement is what constipation is all about, however this is not particularly correct. In fact the majority of constipated men and women do not have regular toilet, but it's also true that with most, evacuating of the bowels a few times a week is the usual pattern. So the basics are, if you pass stool often or infrequently, if the process is painful and the stool is dry, then you have constipation.

However, constipation is not an ailment on its own. It is the symptom of the food and water not properly passing through the colon. The colon absorbs too much water, making the stool to be dry. This causes the muscles have difficulty in compacting and getting rid of the feces.

Fruits and pills

So, plainly, to alleviate constipation you must make sure that the colon can take care of the ingested food and water easily. That is to say, a constipated patient must consume those kinds of food that will not be hard on the overworked colon. The remedies for constipation are of two types ---- natural and medicative. To use a different type of scale, remedies for constipation can too be divided into 3 groups ---- those that the patient likes consuming, those that he or she does not, and those that the sufferer abhors having administered. The final group comprises of getting enemas.

There are a number of fruits and vegetables that are understood to be natural constipation cures. These include wood apple, guava, pear, grapes, figs and papaya. Some of them are bound to be fruits that you wouldn't eat for a million dollars But as these could assist you get out of a nightmarish morning procedure, maybe you should relax your viewpoint a bit.

Those who suffer from occasional constipation prefer to use laxatives, either the lubricant variety or the emollient one, since one-time uses of these produce results.

Everyday remedies

There is no dearth of homecures for constipation. Drinking senna leaf tea or lukewarm water with honey first thing in the morning is known to facilitate bowel movement. Consuming a teaspoonful of virgin coconut oil before going to bed brings about easy bowel movement. Another tried and tested constipation remedy is dried isabgol husk soaked in milk. This is usually drunk at bedtime, as are some other facilitators of bowel movement, like linseed oil.

Eat wisely

To make sure that constipation does not keep recurring, you will need to make changes in your eating habits. Make your meals rich in leafy vegetables, and chew a lot before swallowing while you are eating meals. Drink plenty of water during the day. Maintain usual sleeping hours. And finally, don't get excited over the tiresome visit to the toilet every day morning. You should never underestimate the psycho-somatic effect such nervousness can have on you.


Find out all about Natural and Effective Constipation Cures at

Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation


Read Chronic Constipation Can Kill Your Sex Life additional

A Colon Cleanser Can Help Relieve Constipation Chronic constipation can have many negative effects on the body, including decreased sex drive. Constipation can leave sufferers feeling bloated, tired, irritable and sluggish, leaving no energy or desire for sexual intimacy. A colon cleanser can offer constipation relief to the millions of sufferers of this condition. Cleansing the colon will remove the build up of toxic waste that has accumulated and allow the colon and the entire digestive system to function more efficiently.

What is constipation?

Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water. This absorption makes it difficult for stool to move through and out of the colon. This condition is normally characterized by hard stools, difficulty or straining to pass stools, feeling that the bowels are blocked or obstructed and a sense of incomplete emptying after each bowel movement. Clinically, constipation is defined as having less than three bowel movements per week.

What causes constipation?

Constipation is usually caused by not enough water intake, insufficient fiber intake, lack of exercise, stress and certain medications. Insufficient fiber is the most common cause. Most individuals fall short of the recommended 30-35 grams of fiber per day.

How to treat constipation?

The best method to treat and get rid of chronic constipation is through colon cleansing and through dietary changes. Colon cleansing is often recommended for individuals who suffer from frequent constipation. Many herbal and natural colon cleansers are on the market that can help restore the colon back to its healthy state.

How to prevent constipation?

To prevent constipation and maintain the colon's optimum state, a diet rich in fiber is recommended as well as increasing one's water intake to at least 2 liters of water each day. Alcoholic and caffeinated beverage consumption should be kept at minimum. Also, regular exercise and stress reduction is suggested.

Once the colon is cleansed and is functioning properly and the recommended dietary changes are implemented, the desire for certain physical activities such as sex will most likely return.

Constipation Relief

Would you like to learn more about Chronic Constipation. Come by our website for lots of information on colon cleansers, colon products, and colon health. You're just a click away: Detox your Body.

Chronic Constipation Can Kill Your Sex Life

Read The Secret of Olive Oil As a Constipation Remedy extra

The Secret of Olive Oil As a Constipation Remedy


Is there a connection between olive oil and constipation? if so, what is it? In the search for home remedies for constipation, which are known for their advantages, you might also come across a recommendation to use olive oil.

Home remedies for constipation are favored by many of those suffering from constipation for one main reason: the disadvantages of OTC and prescription medication for constipation. When used for long periods of time, the human body will become dependent of OTC constipation medication, and eventually will not be able to pass stool without laxatives. There are many types of foods and exercise routines that help digestion, but among the home remedies for constipation, olive oil has a special place. Most home remedies for constipation require some sort of a diet change. Meals that are high in fiber, daily consumption of natural fruit juices, or a daily exercise routine. Olive oil as a constipation remedy doesn't require a big dietary change. A tablespoon of olive-oil in the morning, perhaps followed by a glass of orange juice with pulp, can help relieve a mild case of constipation. If you don't see results, try to have an additional tablespoon of olive oil in the evening. It is a good idea to try this constipation remedy, if you just need a little help to get bowel movement. It is expected to take effect within 2 hours. Among the benefits of olive oil are its ability to stimulate digestion and relieve upset stomach, flatulence and heartburn. If you want to enhance the effect, you can add a little aerobic exercise, and one meal a day that is rich in fibers, and results will soon show.

It is important to remember that in different situations, different solutions are required. Olive oil can be effective in some situations and less in others. So whether you've tried it in the past or not, you can try many different constipation cures, one of them will fit your current problem.

Roberta Hill is an expert on the subject of constipation remedies, and offers tips and advice on the subject on her site constipation cures

Go through Getting Instant Relief With Natural Cures For Constipation more

Getting Instant Relief With Natural Cures For Constipation

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

If you have constipation problem, what are you going to do about it? Many people think they would just take a medicine for constipation such as laxatives and the problem will go away. However, laxatives could give you a long-term trouble by becoming something your body needs. The body can quickly become dependent on laxative to remove waste out of your system. In the long run, you are going to end up with a bigger health issue. What's more, prolonged intake could permanently damage your colon. So the best method to cleanse colon waste out of your system is a natural colon cleanse.

Certainly nobody wish to rely on a colon cleanse, especially those people who have regular bouts of constipation. While colon cleansing is a great method to deal with any blockages and cleanse colon waste that is been backing up in the system, there are still other things you can try to limit your chances of getting constipation issue again.

Water or Fluids. One of the natural cure for constipation and cleanse colon waste out of your system is water. After all, even if you do a real colon cleansing routine, the way this works is that it pulls water from your body to eliminate waste out of your system. Now, as you trying to regularly overcome constipation problem this is something else to consider. But if you notice you are suffering from constipation, drink an extra 2 to 4 glass of water each day.

Bran And Prunes. Prunes and bran are considered as natural colon cleanse. The fiber content in both of these foods may help your body cleanse your colon naturally and flush away waste out of your body system. These can be a good preventative measure to avoid you from getting constipation problem in the first place.

Fruits and Vegetables. Another way to get a natural colon cleanse is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Of course, the fiber in these foods will work almost as a scrubbing brush. So as they move through your digestive system they will help cleanse colon waste that might be sticking to the wall of your gastrointestinal tract and colon and then flush it out of your system.

Shawn Cunnigham is a freelance writer. She widely writes for health and wellness. She prides herself in finding the best natural cure for constipation online. She agrees that the best medicine for constipation are found at

Examine Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation much more

Exercise and eating the right kinds of food are the secret to relieving constipation. Most people that have constipation have a difficulty in doing both of these activities.

Exercise is necessity for eliminating, reducing, minimizing, and preventing constipation. By exercising, you can promote, produce, or create the following:

· Tones and strengthen your colon muscles
· Eliminates blood toxins by sweating.
· Stimulates your cells to eliminate waste and have this waste move out through your lymphatic system.
· Reduces tension and anxiety
· Stimulates your colons wall cell structure to increases its metabolic rate and thus improve its function.

Here is a simple exercise you can do. If you walk after last meal of the day, you can stimulate your colon to create bowel movements. In addition, walking strengthens and tones your colon walls. This prevents your colon from becoming misshaped when you on occasion become constipated.

Inactivity or lack of exercise will contribute to lack of colon muscle tone, which will contribute to constipation no matter what your age.

There are many good exercises that stimulate and strengthen your body. These exercises will help you eliminate constipation. Of course, any type of exercise will be of benefit to your health. When your colon is toxic, then exercises that activate the lymph system are good.

The lymph system removes waste and toxins from the liquid that surround your cells. So it is critical these toxins not be allowed to remain in your body long. If they do, then this is another form of constipation. Lymph nodes get plugged up with toxins, waste, and bacteria and as more waste and toxins are created they get backed up in the lymph liquid or vessels.

The rebounder has long been known to be one of the best exercise tools for stimulating and activating the lymphatic system. It also strengthens all the internal organs, tissue and cells. The colon walls are especially stretched which will help you to relieve your constipation. Other exercises are usually not a complete exercise like the rebounder.

In, Jumping for Health, 1989, Dr. Morton Walker, identifies why the re-bounder is good for a healthy body,

"Thus, the G force at the top of the bounce is eliminated and the body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce when you touch the mat the G force suddenly doubles over what is ordinary gravity on earth and internal organs are put under pressure. Their cellular stimulation is increased accordingly so waste materials within cells get squeezed out. The lymphatic system carries waste away to be disposed of through the urinary and other excretory mechanisms. Rebounding makes the body cleaner...The increased G force also puts cell walls under stress causing them to undergo an individual training effect. The aerobics of rebounding brings more oxygen for penetration by osmosis from the blood. Each cell gets the amount of nourishment it requires on which to thrive."

But, if you are not satisfied with your body, the illnesses you support, and the thoughts you think and carry with you, then look at some of the changes you can make that will make your life happier and healthier.

The main thing is to provide movement for your stomach area. This provides movement to your colon and helps to move fecal matter through your colon. It strengthens your colon walls and helps to release glutamine that feeds the intestinal cell lining.

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Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation

Understand Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment much more

Constipation is a frequent problem that can affect anyone regardless of age and sex. This is a difficult experience that is accompanied by several discomforts. Often than not, you would want to have the best relief at the earliest possible time. However, taking prescription medicines is quite troublesome. Aside from having to consult your physician, there are a number of side effects associated with these agents. This makes natural constipation relief agents a first choice.

There are lots of available natural constipation relief products that provide effective remedy for constipation. You simply have to ensure that the product your using is the right one for your unique condition.

Natural Laxative Smooth Oral

One of the most popular natural constipation reliefs is the naturally formulated laxatives. These products are taken orally at least three times a day or as directed by the packet insert while some doctors would prescribe specific dosage intended for unique conditions. It is not uncommon for doctors to recommend dosage more than what the products insert says. This is definitely true with chronic cases that require extra amounts of laxative agents.

To make these laxative products work, you need to take it together with large volumes of water. Whether it is in liquid, wafers, or chewable tablet forms, it requires an increased fluid intake to take full effect. It is even advisable that you consume at least a large glass of water right after taking these products.

Most of these natural products have a packet insert that determines the recommended dosage for your age and medical condition. Sometimes you would need to use the product for a longer period of time to attain a regular bowel movement.

Senokot S Natural Source Laxative Plus Softener

This is another effective way of providing natural constipation relief. These stool softeners are taken before sleeping that works overnight by maintaining the fluidity of the fecal matter. Some find this kind of medications helpful especially in relieving transient bouts of constipation. Doctors and pharmacists would recommend the use of these products before trying other potent prescription medications. If you don't want to seek medical help, this would be the best choice for you.

Although natural laxative products are great in providing immediate relief for constipation, maintaining proper and physical activity remains to be the best natural constipation relief. It is recommended that the diet be packed with fiber-rich food products, increasing intake of liquid, and improving the quality of physical activity through regular exercise. These simple measures will definitely prevent the recurrence of constipation in the future.

A visit to your doctor will guarantee that you are hitting on the right natural constipation relief for your specific medical condition. Usually, constipation is an unrelenting problem that affects your overall wellbeing. It can even lead into some serious conditions if left untreated for a long time. Chronic constipation that recurs repeatedly could have an underlying serious health problem. This usually needs an immediate medical attention to prevent further complications. So if natural constipation relief does not provide a permanent effect, you might need to set a schedule with your doctor.

If you want to get the best natural constipation remedies,please visit my blog at I have been researching constipation remedies and natural constipation treatment for quite long time to solve my problem, you can view some videos to learn more how to treat constipation with health diet plan.

Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment

Constipation Relief

Examine Foods That Relieve Constipation - What Should We Eat? extra

If you've got problems with constipation, you need to know about the foods that relieve constipation. There are several changes that you can make to your diet in order to alleviate some of the symptoms of constipation. These simple changes can make a world of difference in your digestive health.

One of the major reasons that you may be experiencing constipation is a lack of fiber in your diet. Fiber rich foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are severely lacking in our modern diet. Most of us depend on packaged meals and fast foods to get through our days. Even meals at restaurants can have low fiber counts. Including fiber rich foods that relieve constipation should be your first step in changing your diet.

Fiber is a food that relieves constipation, and it also helps prevent hemorrhoids and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber comes from the parts of plants that aren't digested in the intestinal tract. Fiber binds water to your digested food and makes stools softer and bulkier, therefore making it easier to pass.

What are fiber rich foods? Although there is natural fiber in all fresh foods, some have more fiber than others. The top of the list for fiber rich foods that relieve constipation includes raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, rye, broccoli, green beans, apples with the skin, stone ground whole wheat, peanuts, walnuts and turnip greens.

Make it a habit of including more fresh foods in your diet. Start looking at the nutrition information on the sides of packaged foods to see how much fiber you are getting. Your daily intake of fiber should be between 25 and 30 grams for adults.

Constipation can also stem from a lack of friendly bacteria in the intestines. When you eat food, the enzymes and friendly bacteria in your small intestine do most of the work of breaking down the food. When antibiotics have killed off your friendly bacteria, it slows down the digestive process, which leads to constipation. There are foods that relieve constipation and can help build friendly bacteria in your intestines. Foods like miso, yogurt, dark greens and alfalfa greens can help your digestive system. Kefir, wheat grass products and micro algae can also build friendly bacteria.

Incorporating foods that relieve constipation into your diet is just part of preventing constipation. While these foods can help get your digestive system back on the right track, you need to take steps to cure the cause of constipation instead of just the symptoms.


Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Foods That Relieve Constipation - What Should We Eat?

Examine Natural Relief For Constipation a lot more

Constipation Relief

Natural relief for constipation is, in my mind, the only route to go down. However, if you'd have asked my advice a few years ago I would have probably given a very different answer. In fact I'd have probably told you that constipation was incurable, because that's how it felt for me.

My problems with constipation began just after the birth of my first child, nearly 20 years ago. It was almost as if something had "stopped working" at that time. There had definitely been a shift in the workings of my body. Now whether this was down to hormones or just the fact that I didn't have the time to look after myself as carefully as before, I'm not sure. What I do know is that it was just the start of my constipation problems.

I went from regularly daily motions to once week-twice if I was lucky! I suffered from the most excruciating pains in my stomach and was often in tears. I visited the doctor a couple of times and was given bottles of foul tasting liquid which would alternate between giving me diarrhea or having no effect whatsoever. I would spend a fortune on laxatives and other over the counter remedies. I once even faced the embarrassment of being questioned by the local pharmacist about my laxative use a she thought I might be an anorexic!

My lowest point came a few months after the birth of my second child. I was feeling constantly exhausted, like any new mother, but I also felt really unwell. A visit to my doctors resulted in me being referred to the local hospital for an enema as I hadn't been to the toilet for over a week and my stomach was as hard as a rock. I made a decision there and then that I would have to do something about this problem as it was, quite simply, ruining my whole life.

I came across various remedies when searching on the internet and decided to try out natural relief for constipation. I found a local naturopathic doctor and a visit to him changed my life. I was told about various strategies I could try and everything suddenly made sense. Within a few days, I was having more regular bowel movements and I threw away my laxatives!

To rid yourself of constipation naturally, you need to be prepared to invest a little time and effort in yourself, so this is not for people who are not prepared to do this. However, I found the results to be better than I could ever have hoped for.

Natural Relief For Constipation-Simple strategies You Can Try Right Now

* Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to a minimum of 5 portions a day

* Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water or diluted fruit juice daily

* Folic acid deficiencies can contribute to constipation, so a daily supplement can help

* Take regular exercise-try to walk for 30 minutes each day, preferably after your main meal

* Consume lots of fiber rich foods such as pulses, wholegrains an bran. In addition, apple pectin supplements are very fiber rich

* Magnesium supplements are thought to help soften stools so are worth considering.

If you would like further extensive information on natural relief for constipation, then visit Constipation Relief For Women [] Ran by a certified fully licensed Naturopathic Doctor from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, this is much more than just a collection of home remedies, but will give you cast iron, tried and tested methods which have been used with a high degree of success.

The free email course plus the free ebook which will help you eliminate both gas and bloating are a must for any woman who's life is being ruined by these easily treatable conditions.

You can be free of constipation within days-even if you have suffered for years by using natural methods.

To see further useful information on what helps constipation, visit Natural Relief For Constipation

Natural Relief For Constipation

Constipation Relief

Read through A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief extra

A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief

Constipation Relief Foods

Constipation Relief Foods

About 4 million Americans complain about constipation annually. Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels. This is because your stools are hard and you experience difficulty in passing them. When you do move your bowels, you may also get the feeling of incomplete evacuation. Constipation is triggered by insufficient water and fiber intake. Unhealthy diets and eating too much meat and unprocessed foods are all a precursor to constipation.

What is considered a regular bowel movement? The normal bowel movement of a healthy adult varies between 3 and 21 times a week. A healthy adult should pass at least one bowel movement a day. Less than three bowel movements is medically a condition of constipation and less than one bowel movement in a week is acute constipation.

Constipation can lead to bloating, which is the swelling of the abdomen. Bloating is simply a condition whereby the stomach becomes overstretched by excessive gas content.
Constipation and bloating relief should be addressed, as lack of effective treatment can lead to several other diseases.

Stagnant stools which cannot be effective cleared and therefore stored in your colon can give rise to several harmful bacteria. These bacteria can create inflammation on the colon linings, which then lead to colon cancer. In acute constipation, the bacteria from colon can enter other parts in the digestive system. These hamper your entire digestive process. Other symptoms that emerge include eczema, acne, skin problems, headaches, a lowered immune system and mood changes.

So how do you obtain constipation and bloating relief? There are several natural methods for constipation and bloating relief. Constipation is directly associated with what you eat. A fiber rich diet is the most common remedy. Fiber retains water in the stools and also increases the size of it as this can lead to their easy passage. A fiber rich diet also helps in the growth of good bacteria. Psyllium is high in soluble fiber and consuming psyllium with large amounts of water provides much constipation and bloating relief.

Prunes are also highly recommended. Prune contains large amount of potassium which stimulates the linings of colon and this leads to easy bowel movements. Potassium also cleans the fecal matter attached to the colon linings. Thus, you may wish to consider having more prunes for constipation and bloating relief.

In addition, you should include more vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber and tomato in your diet. These vegetables are rich in potassium and should help you with your bowel movements. Fruits like pineapple also contains large amount of potassium.

Herbs like aloe, senna, buckthorn and frangula are proven natural remedies for constipation. Flax seed and Rhubarb are other two herbs that can provide much constipation and bloating relief. Most of these herbs are available in the market. Some of these herbs have high laxative properties. You should therefore use them only taking professional advice.

Thus, it can be seen that there are many ways to obtain constipation and bloating relief. You should not allow your constipation to go untreated. Accumulating toxic waste in your body can only create problems later. Start making some changes to your eating and lifestyle habits from today!

Are you one of those that suffer from acute constipation but is leaving the problem untreated? Learn about the dangers of doing so. Check out this site by Sandra Kim Leong who writes on ibs symptoms [] at []

Read through Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices far more

Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices


Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of constipation.

Apple and Pear Juice

If you have a mild case of constipation, you can use this remedy to get results.

Prepare equal amounts of fresh apple and pear juice. Drink this combination when you first wake up and one hour before bedtime.

Juice the pears that are slightly hard. If the pear is ripe, it is best to blend it whole with apple juice to create a thick drink. Using the whole pear will give you additional fiber. Just remove the seeds but do not peel the organic type.

Pears have minerals, vitamins, and chemicals that help to clean out your colon, kidney and to regenerate your blood cells.

Apple Juice and Prune Juice

Here's a constipation remedy that you can use if you have chronic constipation. In addition to just drinking apple juice, you can accelerate your peristaltic action with prune juice.

Here's how to do it.

If you have a juicer you can make fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day. You can also drink store-bought apple juice but try to get fresh squeezed and not the type that has been flash pasteurized or pasteurized. If you can find fresh apple juice then use flash pasteurized.

Buy your juice in glass containers if possible.

Plastic containers are processed using solvents that stay in the container walls and gradually outgas into the apple juice. This out gassing is more severe when plastic containers are stored in hot places.

To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the following combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.
After ½ hour, drink one cup of apple juice
Then, 1-hour later drink another cup of apple juice.

I usually buy my prune juice in a bottle and fresh squeeze my apple juice.

Be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice. You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice, everyone is different. I have used this combination and have recommended it to my clients and have had good results.

Prune juice by itself is good for constipation. It is a safe, gentle and an effective laxative. Drink a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening. Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action. Prunes are also high in iron and are a great supplement if you are anemic or low on iron.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation. Drink ½ glass in the morning and perhaps ½ glass in the evening.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Other Juices Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Read through Types of Solutions Available for Immediate Constipation Relief a lot more

Constipation is an embarrassing health condition that entails suffering from irregular bowel movements. It is not so critical, but truly embarrassing and sometimes painful. If you are suffering from constipation problem, quite naturally you desperately would like to get constipation relief as well. Today's market offers various options for solution for constipation relief; however, the solution might differ on individual basis. That means if a constipation remedy is suitable for adults, it may not be suitable for infants. In this article, we will try to explore different methods aiming for constipation relief.

Solution for Infants

In most of the cases, parents become anxious and confused when they find their infants get sick. It happens typically as because infants can not tell or express where and at what point they are not feeling well. To diagnose whether your infant is suffering from constipation problem, you should notice whether their stool pattern has got changed from soft and moist to hard and dry. In most of the cases, infants are treated with stool softener syrup for their constipation relief.

In that case, parents should depend on all-natural based colon cleanser or softener, so that any possible side effects could be avoided. If an infant is offered with chemical based treatment, it is likely that the infant will acquire negative side effects. However, a long term constipation relief certainly depends on proper and timely diet. In most of the cases, it occurs due to lack of water and fiber.

Solution during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, woman's health becomes fragile and weak. Many women actually suffer from constipation problem during this time, even those who have never been suffered from this problem before in her lifetime. It mainly occurs due to changes in dietary pattern, hormonal changes and pressure of the developing baby. However, not all constipation relief is suitable for her health during that time. Rather, it is recommended that you should increase your daily fiber intake such as fruits, cereals, green vegetables, and wholegrain bread. You need to drink plenty of waters or you may also drink hi-fiber drink. It is not true that pregnant women should sleep all the time or sit ideally.

Truly, during pregnancy exercise is not a easy job to do, but it helps to keep you fit and healthy. Needless to say, it helps to maintain a healthy digestive system as well. Even if you manage time for walking, it will help you a lot and offer you relief from many complications including constipation and other digestive problems.

Solution for Immediate Relief

Not always we are looking for an immediate relief; however, if the problem persists for too long time, it may require an immediate attention. In practice, chronic constipation problem may affect our social, personal, and professional life quite significantly. But, we should be careful while choosing our laxatives. Most of the chemical based laxatives have side effects to our health. So, it is always advisable that you should only depend on natural laxatives or laxatives made up of natural ingredients. However, switching over diet rich with hi-fiber content and plenty of water with regular exercise can only do the wonder, especially in chronic cases.

Effect of Natural Cure

Almost every one of us agrees that whenever the question comes about constipation, using natural substances is the best solution ever. But not all of us are too inclined over the using of natural remedies for constipation. This is mainly due to their complex and difficult mode of administration compared to the ready made simple swallowing laxatives. In practice, natural remedies are perfect and best solution for constipation. But most of them consume a great amount of time till you prepare them for administering. There are few effective laxatives and colon cleansers available in the market that have the potential to offer you an effective solution for constipation cure and also provide support from future hazards.

Constipation Relief

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Constipation Relief at is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are looking for any Information related with Pregnancy Stages then visit Different Stages of Pregnancy.

Types of Solutions Available for Immediate Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

Study Natural Relief For Constipation far more

Constipation Relief Foods

Natural relief for constipation is, in my mind, the only route to go down. However, if you'd have asked my advice a few years ago I would have probably given a very different answer. In fact I'd have probably told you that constipation was incurable, because that's how it felt for me.

My problems with constipation began just after the birth of my first child, nearly 20 years ago. It was almost as if something had "stopped working" at that time. There had definitely been a shift in the workings of my body. Now whether this was down to hormones or just the fact that I didn't have the time to look after myself as carefully as before, I'm not sure. What I do know is that it was just the start of my constipation problems.

I went from regularly daily motions to once week-twice if I was lucky! I suffered from the most excruciating pains in my stomach and was often in tears. I visited the doctor a couple of times and was given bottles of foul tasting liquid which would alternate between giving me diarrhea or having no effect whatsoever. I would spend a fortune on laxatives and other over the counter remedies. I once even faced the embarrassment of being questioned by the local pharmacist about my laxative use a she thought I might be an anorexic!

My lowest point came a few months after the birth of my second child. I was feeling constantly exhausted, like any new mother, but I also felt really unwell. A visit to my doctors resulted in me being referred to the local hospital for an enema as I hadn't been to the toilet for over a week and my stomach was as hard as a rock. I made a decision there and then that I would have to do something about this problem as it was, quite simply, ruining my whole life.

I came across various remedies when searching on the internet and decided to try out natural relief for constipation. I found a local naturopathic doctor and a visit to him changed my life. I was told about various strategies I could try and everything suddenly made sense. Within a few days, I was having more regular bowel movements and I threw away my laxatives!

To rid yourself of constipation naturally, you need to be prepared to invest a little time and effort in yourself, so this is not for people who are not prepared to do this. However, I found the results to be better than I could ever have hoped for.

Natural Relief For Constipation-Simple strategies You Can Try Right Now

* Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to a minimum of 5 portions a day

* Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water or diluted fruit juice daily

* Folic acid deficiencies can contribute to constipation, so a daily supplement can help

* Take regular exercise-try to walk for 30 minutes each day, preferably after your main meal

* Consume lots of fiber rich foods such as pulses, wholegrains an bran. In addition, apple pectin supplements are very fiber rich

* Magnesium supplements are thought to help soften stools so are worth considering.

If you would like further extensive information on natural relief for constipation, then visit Constipation Relief For Women [] Ran by a certified fully licensed Naturopathic Doctor from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, this is much more than just a collection of home remedies, but will give you cast iron, tried and tested methods which have been used with a high degree of success.

The free email course plus the free ebook which will help you eliminate both gas and bloating are a must for any woman who's life is being ruined by these easily treatable conditions.

You can be free of constipation within days-even if you have suffered for years by using natural methods.

To see further useful information on what helps constipation, visit Natural Relief For Constipation

Natural Relief For Constipation

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Read Dangers of Constipation far more


The Danger of Constipation is that if what goes in does not come out, the toxins will accumulate in the colon and throughout the bloodstream. The toxins literally poison the body. If the toxins don't get released from the body, sickness and disease can take over.

So how do you get constipation relief? There are many ways.

One way to get relief from constipation is by drinking 100% Distilled Aloe Vera. I recommend "George's 100% Distilled Aloe Vera".  You can get this at your local health store.

Another way to relieve constipation is everyone's favorite: to exercise. Exercise helps alleviate constipation because it stimulates the intestines... which helps one go to the bathroom.

A third way to get constipation relief is to add fiber to your diet. Apples (especially organic apples) are an awesome way to help constipation. You've heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well, this is probably the reason that saying is true. Since constipation can cause sickness... and apples alleviate constipation, there is no need to go to the doctor. 

There are also many other ways to get fiber into the diet. Many cereals have high fibers... a lot of vegetables (green beans and peas are excellent sources) have a lot of fiber in them... and beans are great sources of fiber. Also, psyllium is another way to get fiber into your diet. You can get this at your local health store. Make sure you are getting about 32 grams of fiber each day.

Whatever method you choose to get relief from constipation, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you get rid of the toxins that are poisoning your body... so you don't end up getting sick or worse, getting a serious disease. is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.

Dangers of Constipation


Examine Causes Of Constipation much more

Causes Of Constipation


Most persons have suffered from Constipation at one time or other, due to change of diet, travel, surgery, medication, stress or many other simple causes. These are temporary bouts and correct themselves when properly settled in.

Next in line is Constipation which is treatable with laxatives and changes in life style. The causes of this medium-term Constipation include a low-fiber and high-fat diet (dairy products, meats and eggs), not drinking enough liquids, excessive use of dehydrating liquids like coffee, tea, cola and alcohol, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, usage of medications like antacids, antidepressants, antispasmodic drugs, iron tablets, anticonvulsant drugs, painkillers or prolonged medication for some other chronic condition which causes Constipation as a side effect, old age, pregnancy, abuse of laxatives and repeatedly refraining from having a bowel movement when the urge is there (for example, due to continuous travel or in order to avoid using public toilets).

Chronic Constipation is a long-term problem, which can be divided into diseases that directly affect the GI tract and cause the problem, and diseases elsewhere in the body, which cause Constipation. Problems of the GI tract include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic idopatic intestinal pseudo obstruction, intestinal obstruction (scar tissue, diverticulosis, tumors, colorectal stricture, Hirschsprung's disease and cancer), colonic inertia and delayed transit (the colon muscles do not push the stool with normal strength and the movement of the stool is delayed), anorectal dysfunction (this condition prevents the rectal muscles from relaxing to pass the stool) and structural problems (anal fissures, hemorrhoids, strictures, tumors, rectal prolepses, fistulae, stenosis and rectede).

Most of the above problems need specialized equipment and tests. Disorders with other parts of body which cause Constipation are neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries, metabolic and endocrine problems like diabetes, uremia, hypercalemia, amyloidosis and scleroderma.

Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].

Go through Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies much more

People who suffer from constipation find it difficult to move their bowels. Their stools are often hard and dry. Constipation may be accompanied by stomach pain, bloating, cramps and nausea. The problem is often caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Oftentimes, a change in diet and lifestyle can bring relief for constipation.

Constipation happens when the movement of food through the colon or large intestine is slowed down or stopped. This can be caused by illness, certain medications, pregnancy, aging, dietary changes, etc.

Over-the-counter remedies can bring relief for constipation, but they are not necessarily the best options. Aside from being expensive, they can have unwanted side effects. In fact, if you use laxatives for too long your body may become reliant on them so that you will find it difficult to have a regular bowel movement without taking a laxative.

Natural remedies bring the best relief for constipation. These remedies will not cause undesirable side effects and are often readily available. They also promote a healthier digestive system.

More Fiber

Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best remedies for constipation. The fiber in fruits and vegetables add bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass. You can also increase your intake of dietary fiber by eating whole-grain cereals and dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, apricots and figs. Green leafy vegetables contain plenty of fiber. Have them raw in fresh salads for best results.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Make sure you drink plenty of water and fruit or vegetable juices. Fluids help keep the stools soft. If you are constipated, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This hydrates your body, allows the proper flow of moisture in the digestive tract, and makes it easier to pass stool.

Add Bran to Food

Your daily diet should include 20 to 35 grams of fiber. If you find it hard to get enough fiber in your diet, you can add small amounts of miller's bran or unprocessed bran to cereals, baked goods or fruit. Some people experience bloating and gas for a few weeks after including bran in their diets. Make diet changes slowly so your digestive system can adapt.

If you are getting sufficient fiber from fruits and vegetables, it may not be necessary to add bran to your food.

Lifestyle Changes

If you lead a sedentary life, you can get relief from constipation by making a few changes in your lifestyle. Regular physical exercise is a very effective remedy for constipation. Also, make sure you don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.

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Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies

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Examine Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know more

It's so frustrating! You've increased your exercise routine and water intake, but so far, it's not helping your constipation.

Why not? After all, it makes sense that exercise and water would help your digestive system move better.

But the fact is, while exercise and water are vital for overall health, they are unsuccessful as constipation-relievers for more folks than you may imagine.

Before I give you some relieving tips, and tell you how you can learn the biggest mistakes you're making when you eat, let me reveal the real problem.

What's going on?

Constipation is more than just a slow-moving digestive system. It's an issue rooted more deeply, at the cellular level.

The early stages of constipation begin when you do not chew your food thoroughly enough. When you don't chew thoroughly, your saliva doesn't interact with your food long enough to initiate carbohydrate digestion.

You see, digestion begins in the mouth, and saliva is the first step of the digestive process. When you swallow food before it's adequately chewed, you place an extra burden on your stomach and pancreas. This sets the stage for constipation, excessive gas, burping, painful bloating, and a host of other digestive complications.

There's something else happening!

There's a second reason why inadequate chewing leads to constipation- and sadly, it's a reason about which many doctors are ignorant. It has to do with hydrochloric acid production.

Once you swallow your food, your stomach receives "HCl", or Hydrochloric Acid, from your blood. It takes approximately 1 hour for your stomach to receive enough HCl. HCl is extremely acidic, and vitally necessary in the digestive process.

Once the appropriate pH level in the stomach is reached, your body can now accomplish two essential tasks:

1. Protein digestion

2. Mineral absorption

Now, here's the problem: if your digestive process is compromised, then minerals from your food are inadequately absorbed for use in the body. One of these minerals is sodium.

Why is sodium so important? Sodium is a key player in the formation of bile, a substance that allows you to move your bowels smoothly. Perhaps you have heard the term, "bile salts".

If you're not absorbing sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated. The thicker your bile, the worse your constipation!

So, if your stomach is already exhausted and your digestive organs are stressed because you're swallowing your food in chunks, can you be at all surprised that the production of HCl in your stomach is also faulty?

An incredible amount of your stomach's energy is wasted by cleaning up large portions of unchewed food strains. When this occurs, HCl production will be compromised, you will not properly absorb your food's minerals, you will not absorb enough sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated.


So, does this mean you should eat more salt? NO!

Consuming more salt in your diet is NOT the answer. The answer begins with chewing more thoroughly. Without the added burden of digesting big chunks of food, your digestive system will have a better success rate of absorbing the sodium it needs from the food you're already eating.

Your bile will be the correct thickness, and your bowels will move more regularly.

"Besides chewing better, what else can I do to get faster constipation relief?"

Start with these 5 steps:

1. Consume three servings per day of raw, organic fruits and vegetables. They must be raw! Raw produce supplies your body with digestive enzymes necessary to help digest your food.

2. Decrease your intake of red meat, chicken or turkey. Meat is devoid of fiber.

3. Ever heard of "hempseed"? It's a tremendous source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and it keeps your digestive system moving. Add a TBSP into your cereal or smoothies each day. Visit your local health food store- one of the more popular brands is "Nutiva".

4. Because the G.I. tract and brain are closely linked, do your best to decrease emotional stress. Emotional stress aggravates symptoms of constipation. Eat in a calm environment.

5. Make sure you consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. But don't be fooled . . . some of the foods you think are high-fiber may actually be low-fiber, so be sure to make the right choices.

Last but certainly not least . . . STOP making these mistakes!

Even the most health-conscious folks are making mistakes every time they eat, that are making their digestive problems worse. To summarize the most important points for you, I've written a FREE report, called "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat!"

We've briefly touched upon one or two ideas, but if you want faster constipation relief, you'll certainly want all of this information. Get your FREE copy right now by clicking here: []

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Natural Digestive Health Specialist and Internal Health Specialist Dr. Christine Kaczmar, "The Digestion Doctor", helps people get their lives back from I.B.S., Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Heartburn, High Cholesterol, Stiff Joints, Insomnia and more. Get "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat" right now by clicking this link: []

Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know

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Understand Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice extra

Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice


Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts of the body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action for the entire body.

Fresh lemon juice is the king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts in the body in a way no other juice does. First it acts on the liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins in the blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur in the body.

When the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

Here's what to do:

Squeeze one lemon into a glass of warm distilled water. Drink it first thing when you wake up. Don't drink anything else for at least 1/2 hour

You can use a citrus press to juice the lemon or just squeeze it to get the juice out.

Grapefruit Juice

Another constipation remedy you can use is drinking a glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit first thing in the morning. Again wait at least 1/2 hour before you eat anything.

If you are taking any anticonvulsant drugs, birth control pills, estrogen, protease inhibitors and even other types of drugs avoid drinking grapefruit juice. It slows the breakdown of certain drugs allowing them to increase in the blood to dangerous levels.

Grapefruit and Orange Juice

One drink I like in the morning is a combination of grapefruit and orange juice. Just prepare a half and half drink of these citrus fruits and drink it first thing in the morning.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Remedies Go here for more free tips: Constipation Tips

Read Natural Remedy for Constipation much more

Natural Remedy for Constipation

Constipation Relief Foods

Constipation Relief Foods

Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint. Unfortunately, many of the most common remedies only give temporary relief so they are repeated time and again. This can worsen the real reason for the constipation and cause more problems.

In order for food to move through your intestines and out, you need two things - an unblocked tube (intestine) for waste to move through and muscular contractions called peristalsis. Peristalsis is a wave-like motion that starts at one end and continues in a "wave" to the other end of your "tube" or intestine.

If your problem is lack of peristalsis, or weak muscular contractions, fiber alone will not create peristalsis. Forcing your muscles into an extremely strong contraction by using a stimulant such as a laxative will not work well for long-term relief. In fact, this extreme reaction can cause your body to weaken as it becomes dependent on the stimulant.

Another reason for constipation may be blockage - old waste that never left your small intestine. This old buildup must be softened and removed in order for your system to function efficiently on its own. Since certain types of fiber can soften this, some believe fiber is all that is needed to alleviate constipation. However, although fiber may soften blockage, it may not stimulate peristalsis. If this is the case, the fiber may swell in your body and contribute to your constipation.

You can address both of these problems with a colon cleanse. A cleanse can allow you to strengthen your peristalsis and slowly break down and remove the old buildup at the same time. Start by breaking down the old waste with a strong fiber such as psyllium but be sure to change your eating habits to stimulate peristalsis to move the waste out. If your peristalsis needs extra help, use cascara sagrada or triphala as these herbs work to naturally stimulate the intestines to work.

Eat healthy foods during your colon cleanse such as fresh fruits, vegetables, water and whole, minimally processed grains. These will naturally stimulate your digestive tract. As with any muscle, the more you use your intestinal muscles, the stronger they get.

A healthy diet over a long period of time is necessary. These whole and natural foods are easier for your body to digest than white flour or processed foods, which turn to a glue-like substance in your digestive tract, creating constipation or worsening an existing problem.

The early stages of your colon cleanse is the time to use other natural constipation remedies such as fresh fruit juices that have their own fiber, herbal teas, and certain dried fruits such a prunes. If you use a laxative, try to slowly wean off of it by cutting the amount you take each day and replacing it with herbs such a cascara sagrada or triphala. (Of course if your laxative is prescription, check with your doctor, first.)

By combining fiber and herbs that gently stimulate your intestines to work as in a colon cleanse, you can help your body to break down the waste and move it through. As you eat properly and take your colon cleanse supplements, the fiber and herbs travel through your intestines. Some of the fiber will stay behind and bind with the old buildup along the intestinal walls, softening it. This softened buildup will eventually dislodge and it too will leave the body.

As the buildup becomes less, and you continue eating well, your large and small intestines will be freer to move, thus creating stronger peristalsis. Again, the healthy diet eaten during a colon cleanse will add nutrition and enhance the function of your digestive tract leading to a healthier and stronger system.

As with any exercise it takes time. Your body can handle junk and processed foods sometimes, but overall you need fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, their juices, plenty of water, and whole, minimally processed grains. This is the only long-term, holistic solution to a healthy digestive tract.

Use a colon cleanse to start clearing your digestive tract of old buildup. Incorporate a healthy diet and possibly bodywork to ensure success. Learn more about the right way to cleanse at

Cindy Papp was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1992. She used the alternative path of cleansing and holistic programs which lead to total recovery in 1998 and is free of the disease to date. Cindy is a Ceritified Nutritional Counselor, a Certified Colon Therapist, trained in massage therapy and has been working in the health field for 15 years. You can find more about cleansing on her website [].

Understand Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Constipation? more

Have you ever had constipation? Do you know what are constipation and the treatment? All of you who have this problem should address to it immediately. This article is all about constipation relief and all the best ways to do it. Constipation is a bowel disorder in simple terms. The best way to treat it is the natural way.

If you are suffering from this you probably have low fiber in your every day food. You need to include a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as brown rice and whole grain bread. They are essential for your bowels to process the food. Another great way to relieve constipation is fluids. You need to increase water consumption since it makes the bowels move softer. Stimulant laxatives made from herbs such as aloe are extremely helpful. But you need to be careful because they should not be used for more than a week unless you are supervised by a doctor.

You can buy a very good book online that will teach you and relieve you of constipation almost instantly. It contains chapters with everything you need so that you never get constipated ever again. People have bought it with sever constipation and cured it in less than a day. The 38 constipation relief methods teach you exactly how to lead a normal and very healthy life without suffering from constipation ever again. You should try it and see what other people have accomplished with it.

The most precious thing in life is our health and well being. It is absolutely priceless. People with constipation pain spend hundreds of dollars on constipation cure and laxatives that aren't effective on the long run. They only relieve you from constipation for the day and that's it. To permanently get rid of it you need to get a constipation solution that is available only in specific places like the website I'm talking about.

Constipation Relief

Gjorgji Atanasov is an online expert on health care condition. I have studied constipation thoroughly and i know that it can lead to very severe consequences. Don't wait for your constipation to get worse. This will be the only book you'll need to help you with your constipation problem. I am so confident about it, we offer a 60 days money back guarantee should the techniques in the eBook not work for you! The cost is only $29.95 and is processed through secure payment processor here: []

Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Constipation?

Examine Constipation Causes and Treatment - How to Prevent Constipation extra

Bowel movement is a daily routine for most people. But what about if you have a difficulty releasing those bowels because you are constipated, how could you go on? Constipation causes a lot of unease and heavy feeling to a person.

Constipation is not a disease. It is rather a symptom to a disease in the digestive system. However, most of the time, this isn't a serious problem. It is usually cause by poor dietary or food intake that helps in the easy digestion process.

Know If You Are Constipated

As written above, to most people bowel movement is regular part of everyday. When you are having difficulty in moving or the daily routine becomes fewer in week. When you have constipation, your stools are usually hard, dry, and small in size but are difficult to eliminate. It seems that you are about to move but you just can not move those stools out. Many people find this condition painful because of staining, bloating and cuts in the anus.

Constipation do not exclude any age. Almost all people from a baby to an adult experience such difficulty once in their lives. However, this feeling of unease can be prevented and treated for immediate and longer relief.

Causes of Constipation

The causes of constipation begin from the food we choose to eat to the digestion to the elimination. The food we eat contains substances that are difficult for the stomach to digest and for the digestive fluids to break down. Understanding how the large intestine works in the digestion also helps. From the stomach, undigested food and food contents will be transported to the colon where the water is absorbed and the stools and waste products are formed. That is the reason why the stool is almost dry and solid when it reaches the rectum because the water is already absorbed. The peristalsis movement or muscle contractions in the colon push the waste products to rectum. That is the time you feel like eliminating something from inside the body.

Constipation occurs when the colon functions abnormally or improperly. There are times that the colon absorbs too much water that makes the waste products so dry. Because of lack of physical activity, the colon sometimes contracts too slow that makes the stool stays more time in it and becomes hard.

Common cause of constipation is the lack of fiber in the diet. These fibers help in the digestion by acting as sweepers of fats in the food. They also make the food easier to breakdown. When a person lacks exercise or other physical activity especially for people with old age, this also causes constipation. The body parts seem to be all resting, which makes the process of digestion more difficult for the stomach. Medications and abuse of laxatives could also affect food processing. Furthermore, lack of water intake or dehydration also causes constipation.

On the other hand, emotional and physical stress is also proven to cause malfunction is the digestive process and may cause constipation.

Treatment and Prevention

Two of the best treatment of constipation is eating high fiber food and increase in water or liquid intake. Fibers are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. Less likely that people who eat such kind of diet that they result to constipation. Low fiber food or high fatty foods like cheese, eggs and meats should be lesser intake. The bulk and soft texture of fiber especially insoluble fiber that passes through the intestine almost unchanged moisten the waste products and prevent them to become hard and dry so it could easily eliminated.

For foods that are difficult to digest, it is recommended that they are to be chewed well into small pieces before swallowing. When constipation is recurring, medical practitioners advise the use of laxatives. This medication helps in easier bowel movement. It has substances that break down the bulk stools.

Live a healthy lifestyle and do away with the difficult and uneasy constipation.

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Constipation Causes and Treatment - How to Prevent Constipation

Study How to Get Quick Relief From Constipation extra

How to Get Quick Relief From Constipation

Constipation Relief

Who wouldn't want to get quick relief from constipation?

This problem with infrequent bowel movement, passing hard and dry feces, bloating and gas is very annoying and when one doesn't know how to go about treating it, very persistent indeed.

So, how does one get quick relief from constipation?

If you are constipated and you want to get relief from it, it will help you find the right cure to know what causes the problem.

Here are some factors that actually cause infrequent bowel movements:

• Medication side effects
• Medical conditions
• Dietary imbalance
• Slow digestion

Quick relief from constipation is offered by the following treatments:

• Fluids. Water is definitely a fast cure for constipation. Some people only experience difficulty in passing stools because of dehydration. If the body lacks water, it will try to get it from available sources i.e. body waste. This results to hard and dry stools that are hard to defecate. Get quick relief from constipation by drinking lots of water and prevent irregular bowel movements by training yourself to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.

• Increase fiber in your diet. With fiber, your body can form soft and bulky stool that are easier to defecate giving quick relief from constipation. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains as these are natural sources of fiber. At the same time, minimize your intake of processed foods, cheese and meat.

• Take natural laxatives that can induce quick relief from constipation. These natural laxatives include bael, banana, jack fruit, grapes, guava, pear, spinach, papaya and figs.

Knowing how to get quick relief from constipation is a good idea but it is better if you take extra measures to prevent it. Maintaining a well balanced diet, drinking lots of water and regularly exercising can prevent infrequent bowel movements and can save you the trouble of constipation.

Discover the effective Constipation Remedy that will cure your constipation for good but the medical industry doesn't want you to know about.

These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have helped thousands of constipation sufferers to cure constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out how to cure constipation in 7 days by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Study 2010 - Natural Home Remedies For Constipation additional

Tips for natural home remedies in constipation relief.

1. People do not drink enough fluids these days at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Drink lots of water, at least 6 glasses of water a day. Water aids in quick digestion and allows easier bowel movement.

2. Another remedy you could try is mixing water and Epsom salt. This also helps with fast constipation relief.

3. Exercising and being more active can get your bowels moving. Getting up and walking around the neighborhood in the morning is good enough to get your bowels moving.

4. If you love mango, eat one twice a day before your meals. This is a very effective bowel movers.

5. Eat lots of dietary fiber. The easiest way relieve constipation by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products.

6. Try Chia seeds mixed with water into your diet twice a day. It is high in fiber and keeps you hydrated.

7. Cantaloupes helps constipation. Its high fiber content is what actually makes it very useful to those who have constipation.

8. Flax seed oil has been a proven winner against constipation. To get results for quick relief, take 2 tablespoonfuls daily with lots of water immediately after a meal.

9. Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.

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2010 - Natural Home Remedies For Constipation