Read through Natural Constipation Relief With Epsom Salts much more

What is Epsom salt
Magnesium Sulfate has long been used as a natural homemade remedy to promote healing through relaxation and drawing out impurities. Epsom salts are used for numerous ailments internally and externally for illnesses, over exertion, sprains, general aches and pains, boils, constipation, migraines, sweat baths, sits baths, detoxification, sore feet, ingrown toe nails, fungus, migraines, behavioral problems, insomnia and other health conditions.

How Magnesium Sulfate Works
Magnesium sulfates are common minerals. Magnesium is very relaxing to the body and a deficiency in magnesium levels contribute to problems in sleeping, behavior, aches and a general run down feeling. The other component to Epsom salt is Sulfate, commonly deficient in children who have been diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.

Epsom salt is widely recognized as one of the safest laxatives available with FDA approval as it works by increasing the water content in the intestines and bowels which encourages the bowel movement. However, this is not a permanent treatment.

Why People like Epsom salts
• natural minerals
• used for years (safe and effective)
• no profuse cramping (like most other laxatives)
• fast results
• proper bath solutions may bring relief for the young and those unable to take it internally
• many other safe uses for home-made-health

Most constipation is caused from eating habits, medication and lifestyle so may be reversed in time. Educate yourself on optimal digestion and eating practices along with optimal nutrition. Examples include but are not limited to increasing water and fruit, decreasing processed foods and not going to bed on a full stomach.

Internal Method for Laxative Effect
Before trying anything new one should always read all product label thoroughly: check ingredients to ensure there are no additive, directions, warnings and contraindications.
• Add 2 Tablespoons Epsom salts to 8 ounces of filtered room temperature water then stir.
• Let sit for a minute to ensure salts completely dissolve.
• Add 2 Tablespoons lemon juice (detoxifier) to buffer taste without compromising effectiveness.
• Stir. Drink all of the liquid down quickly.
• Do not eat or drink until you have produced a bowel movement.

Most adults will have desires results with two hours if taken on an empty stomach. If there are no results after four to six hours, increase the dosage adhering to the labels direction. Do not use Epsom salt internally more than twice in a 24-hour period.

This is for informational purposes only. This is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult your doctor if you wish to use Epsom salt, especially if you are pregnant, taking medications, have heart and/or diabetic conditions or renal impairment. Any laxative used excessively will lead to dependence, digestive problems and damage to the intestinal lining.

For optimal digestion, proper eating practices and optimal nutrition for your specific body type and individual needs, please email Stephanie Harper NC, MH, HHP for a consult by visiting or connect on Facebook Homemade health has universal aspects but each individual is special and has unique needs. Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease and one's journey is never a linear path.

Natural Constipation Relief With Epsom Salts

Constipation Relief

Understand Constipation - What's Really Backing You Up? extra


It is incredible how many people are constipated these days. I remember reading a couple years ago in a book that the Emergency Room had changed their definition of constipation to not having a bowel movement in over 3 days because they were having far too many people coming in with constipation (Chek,2004). That's scary to think about that.

First thing that is important to understand is that you should be having at least 1 bowel movement every single day! If you have a healthy digestive tract at least once per day is the minimum (Lipski, 2005). If you're going longer than this, or your stool is compact and hard to pass this means you're constipated. What qualifies as "compact"? Your stool should be similar to the firmness of cookie dough or tooth paste.

Given that you're still reading this article I'm guessing you're having problems with constipation. It's been my experience most people don't invest their down time investigating constipation just for the fun of it. The great news for you is that for most people fixing up constipation isn't too difficult. I've never worked with a person who was constipated that didn't start having healthy bowel movements within 3-6 months. Typically for most within 2-4 weeks they start to get rid of their constipation with a few easy changes to their nutrition and lifestyle.

If you are chronically or frequently constipated there are a number of reasons that you may want to get your bowel movements working properly. I have seen my clients who struggle with constipation experience some of the following changes through making nutrition and lifestyle changes: flatter stomach, disappearance bloating and stomach cramping, losing 2-4 pounds, acne and other skin conditions gone, energy levels sky rocketing, and a host of other great side effect.

If that isn't enough to get your feeling really motivated about getting your bowel movements on track you can look at the fact that 1 in 14 women and 1 in 15 men will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime (Colon Cancer Canada, ND). And this number is and has been on the rise for several years. Hopefully that fact makes these lifestyle and nutrition changes seem a lot easier to make.

First thing you are going to want to test is how long it takes food to start to go from your mouth to the toilet bowl. This will give you an idea of how backed up you are. This test is incredibly complicated and expensive... okay I lied it's actually only going to cost you a couple bucks. All you have to do is go to your grocery store and purchase some beets (real beats unprocessed, not canned).

Okay now for the complicated test. Cook the beets however you like, bake them, boil them, whatever floats your boat. Eat the beets for lunch with whatever you normally would have. Then.......wait and see how long it takes until you have a bowel movement where you can see red in your stool. The beets will leave a stain of red in your stool and this will tell you how long it took to get from your mouth out the back door so to speak. Okay maybe the test isn't that complicated, but I'm simple guy I like simple tests.

With my clients ideally I would like them to start seeing the beets 12-24 hours after they ate them. If it falls in this time frame your bowel movements are moving through you at a good pace. You will probably see the beets for 1-2 more bowel movements after the initial one, don't' worry this is normal. If you don't see them for over 24 hours you are defiantly backed up.

Why are you constipated? Well everyone is different and there could be a number of different reasons why. First it might be a good idea to talk to your physician to make sure that there are no mechanical problems. If your physician gives you the all clear, I can tell you from my own experience working with people there are a few incredibly common reasons why you're probably backed up.

1. Dehydration: This is the most common cause in my experience working with my clients. Most people tell me I drink plenty of fluids this can't be the problem. Stop and read all of this to make sure you are not dehydrated. First you should be drinking ½ an ounce for every pound of body weight. I weigh around 150 pounds so the minimum water I should consume in a day is 75 ounces or around 2.5 litters.

Now when I say water I mean water.......not beverages that contain water. I don't mean coke, sprite, juice, flavoured water, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc. I mean WATER. Caffeine also dehydrates you. Take out all coffee, teas, energy drinks, pop, etc. Even if it is "decaf" most of them still actually contain caffeine, just less of it than normal. So take them out of your diet. If you aren't going to take these out of your diet understand this is probably a huge factor if not the cause of your constipation. If you won't take them out of your diet at least increase water 250ml or a cup for every cup of those beverages you drink in addition to the ½ ounce for every pound of body weight mentioned above.

2. Processed Food: Most people this day and age have no idea what they are putting into their mouth. When was the last time you actually read all the ingredients on the label of any of the food you ate? Start reading the ingredients and pay attention to how many ingredients you can find that are some chemical you've never heard of! I could get someone with a PHD in biochemistry and they wouldn't know what the hell was in most of the food at our grocery stores.

The thing is your intestines and liver don't' have a clue what the hell that "food" is either. This often times causes issues with people getting backed up. Start reading the labels of all the food you put in your mouth. If you don't recognize an ingredient that's listed don't put it into your body! Find an alternative food that you can actually read all the ingredients listed.

Okay there you go, you have the two biggest causes of constipation. If you aren't doing those two things right now, start working on them. Once you've been getting enough water for 4 weeks in a row and once you haven't eaten any food with ingredients you don't recognize for 4 weeks see how your bowel movements improve.

You can re-check your transit time using the really "expensive" and "complicated" test we went through above. If you're still not getting a healthy transit time or your stool is still compact and hard to pass then give me a call at (613) 818-5334 or shoot me an email at to book a free consultation because you could have other more complicated barriers such as food intolerances, parasites, or fungal issues that are possibly related to your constipation.

Chek, P., 2004. "How to Eat Move and Be Healthy." C.H.E.K Institute, San Diego, CA.
Lipski, E., 2005. "Digestive Wellness." McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY.
Colon Cancer Canada, (ND). "Fast Facts on Colorectal Cancer." Retrieved from

Paul Graham is Nutritionist and Holistic Lifestyle Coach who is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. He works with clients on restoring vitality back to their body by coaching them on strategic nutrition and lifestyle changes they can make to reach peak health.

He works with a variety of clients located all over the world through distance coaching. His clients often have different health concerns such as: digestion, skin conditions, sleep issues, chronic fatigue, trouble with weight loss, and pre & post menopause symptoms. If you're looking for more information you can check him out online at [] or follow his blog at

Constipation - What's Really Backing You Up?


Go through Menopause and Constipation - How to Treat Menopause and Constipation extra

Menopause and Constipation - How to Treat Menopause and Constipation


Women, like it or not will get to stage in their lives when all that matters is for them to be able to get some sleep without having to wake in the middle of the night with hot flashes. Once a woman gets close to her menopausal age, she can start expecting incidences such as increased heart rate, unexplainable depression, cold sweats at night and sudden hot flashes. During this period also, she can find it very hard to have bowel movements. When this occurs, she's said to have both menopause and constipation.

The terrible combination of menopause and constipation occur frequently in women approaching their late forties and early fifties. This is as a result of the body's inability to produce estrogen. This hormone's production reduces with an increase in age in women.

Apart from menopause and constipation, there are various experiences a woman can have as she approaches the age of menopause. Some of these are depressions, insomnia, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, anxiety, headaches, aches in the joints, mood swings et.c. All these problems can be solved. In this article however, we'll be looking strictly at menopause and constipation. How are the two incidents related? Do they occur concurrently or is it just happenstance? If you are woman, are you starting to think something must definitely be very wrong with you because as soon as one symptom leaves another shows up?

Menopause and constipation occur in women of age as a result of the GIT's tendency to slow down on its food digestion processes. So you find some women may end up losing appetite more and more as they approach menopause while others eat a lot more. Women at the stage of menopause hardly feel comfortable at all. With all the stress, pains, discomfort, depression, something has got to give. Part of what gives is usually nothing less than the bowels refusing to function maximally. The reasons are not farfetched. Eating under so much stress can cause you to eat the wrong foods. For those who eat a lot, they develop compulsive eating habits which aren't exactly helping matters at that period as the food they eat would end up causing indigestion for them.

When considering options for menopause and constipation, it is best really, to opt for herbal tonic. These help improve bowel movement and at the same time improve the general healthy of the individual. Laxatives may at this point not work well with the system as it is bound to have some side effects like intensive cramping. This would be needless as she cannot bear to add more troubles to her already delicate state. For more clarity, it is best to check in with the doctor before taking any over-the-counter prescription.

Digestive tonics important in the case of menopause and constipation are a huge benefit as they can be slow-acting when compared to laxatives. Unfortunately, people think because digestive tonics are slow-acting they are not efficient. Wrong! As matter of fact, the reason it is best for someone suffering from a combined state of menopause and constipation is because it doesn't hasten the process required for more bowel movements and hence, there is no abdominal cramp resulting from the fast action of laxatives.

Did you know that most women do not know that the reason they have so much abdominal pain during Menopause is because no one has shown them the solution? Visit this Herbal Tonic Resource [] for the ultimate solution to Menopause and Constipation []

Understand The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation extra

If you are not sure what is the best way to get relief from constipation, you are not alone. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Determining what kind of constipation relief to use can be confusing, and if you need fast relief, it can be even more maddening when you are not sure what to do. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Infrequent bowel movements, more than 3 days apart, are cause for concern and you would be well advised to seek treatment from a professional.

Six Tactics To Get Proper Constipation Relief

1) Outdoor activities and regular exercise can help relieve constipation. By exercising you improve blood flow, reduce and maintain weight, and you tone your core muscles.

Walking instead of taking the car, even if you just park at the far end of a parking lot, is a good way to start moving.

2) Yoga, which could be considered a specialized exercise in this case, can be very effective in stimulating peristalsis and helping to relieve constipation. The practice of yoga can include bodily cleansing techniques to help with constipation and detoxification. Learning about yoga is a great way to move your body and cleanse the body of toxins as well.

3) Dietary steps you can take to help with constipation include choosing whole grain foods. Bran muffins and brown rice are two easy to add foods that can help get things moving. These foods stimulate bowel movements, and also help to soften stool.

4) Drink plenty of water. Not so much fruit juices, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. You should be drinking at least 1/2 your body weight, in ounces, of water per day. So if you weigh 210 pounds, 1/2 that is 105, you should drink 105 ounces of water per day. Instead of coffee, try drinking yerba-mate tea. These drinks do provide caffeine, plus they have other beneficial ingredients that coffee does not.

5) If you are taking prescription medication, it may be causing or contributing to your constipation. Discuss this with your doctor. You may have to compensate for taking medication with increased fluid intake, or more fiber.

6) Finally, fiber is an easy way to get help with constipation. Most people don't eat enough on a daily basis. You should be eating at least 20 grams a day. Fiber is found in many vegetables, such as beans, peas, corn and more. Fiber is also found in whole grains. It's better to get your fiber from your food, than from store-bought laxatives. Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber, and can be used in many recipes, including salads, breads, muffins, pancakes, etc.

In addition to these six ways to get help for constipation, you can also use medications and laxatives. You can make constipation worse if you use medication, or laxatives, on a regular basis. Talk it over with your doctor.

This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant as medical advice. Always consult with a physician prior to starting any kind of constipation relief program. This article is intended to provide general information, it is not the last word on the topic.

Constipation Relief Foods
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The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation

Examine Using Psyllium For Relieving Constipation a lot more

Using Psyllium For Relieving Constipation

Constipation Relief

If you have asthma, do not take or use psyllium. Some people with asthma have had allergic reactions to psyllium and the powder from psyllium can cause an asthma attack.

Some you may be allergic to psyllium. If you are, you may become constipated or develop dark areas under your eyes.

Psyllium is the fiber part of seed husks from plantain. It is high in a soluble fiber that is called mucilage, so it absorbs water and becomes bulky. It contains almost no insoluble fiber, yet it acts like it has both soluble and insoluble fiber. Stomach enzymes do not easily breakdown psyllium, so it moves into your colon like insoluble fiber.

Psyllium fiber acts on your colon relieving constipation.

In your colon, psyllium activates peristaltic action and helps to clean your colon of any stagnation that has occurred there. By adding moisture to dry hard fecal matter, psyllium helps to move fecal matter through your colon. As psyllium seeds bulk up in your colon, they push against your colon walls stimulating peristaltic action. The soluble fiber in psyllium provides food for good bacteria, which helps them to multiple.

One added benefit of psyllium is its ability to pull toxins out of bowel pockets known as diverticuli.

Psyllium is a popular ingredient in many remedies on the market for relieving constipation. Choose a psyllium product that does not have sugar, maltodextrin, or artificial sweeteners. If possible, buy psyllium in bulk form from a health food store, which may offer it in bins. In this form, it is processed less and usually contains no additives.

If you have chronic constipation or constipation where you have blockage in the colon do not use psyllim seeds. Psyllim seeds provide more bulk to the colon and will just add to your chronic condition.

Here's how to use for relieving constipation.

For mild constipation, take 1 teaspoon in a glass of juice or warm water 3 times a day.

Work up to taking one teaspoon of psyllium by starting with ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water or juice. The next day take ½ teaspoon and so on until you are taking one teaspoon. Do the same when considering taking up to 2 teaspoons of psyllium.

Start by taking 1 teaspoon just before going to bed. After drinking your glass of psyllium seeds, follow this up each time with another 8 oz of clear distilled water.

For moderate constipation, take 2 teaspoons in a glass of juice or warm water daily. Start by taking 2 teaspoons at breakfast time.

It can take up to 3 days to get constipation relief and that depends on the dose you take.

Use psyllium seeds with care. Some cases have been found where psyllium seed parts have lodged in the colon wall, causing an irritation. When using excessive psyllium seeds, it is possible that it can deposit on your colon walls if you have deposited toxic waste there. This adds to the encrustation along your colon wall.

Continue to drink water during the day, up to 4-6 glasses a day, when using psyllium seeds. This helps push the seeds through your colon and not deposit along your colon walls. Remember the seeds bulk up and absorb water and you don't want them to cause constipation by bulking up and getting stuck in your colon.

Use psyllium seeds only long enough for relieving your constipation. Excessive use of psyllium can cause allergic reactions and can cause constipation if used incorrectly.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Relief Go here for more free tips: Constipation Home Remedies

Understand Three Sure Fire Ways to Relieve Constipation additional

Prevention is the best medicine with most conditions and constipation is no exception. One of the easiest ways to prevent constipation is to sure you get enough fiber in your diet, drink an adequate amount of water and to exercise regularly.

Current guidelines recommend that adult men and women should consume 20 to 25g of fiber each day. Getting the recommended amount of fiber in your diet can be easy if you focus on adding a couple of these high fiber foods to your diet. For instance, just one cup of kidney beans, a cup of peas and a bowl of oatmeal will easily get you to the recommended amount of fiber for the day. Here are the best foods for fiber;

Lentils, red cooked 1 cup: 16 g
Black beans, cooked 1 cup: 15 g
Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup: 13 g
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup: 13 g
Avocado 1 medium: 12 g
Oats, rolled dry 1 cup: 12 g
Peas, cooked 1 cup: 9 g
Raspberries 1 cup: 8 g
Rice, dry brown 1 cup: 8 g
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup: 8 g
Kale, cooked 1 cup: 7 g
Flax seeds 3 Tbs: 7 g
Grapefruit 1/2 medium: 6 g
Sweet potato, cooked 1 cup: 6 g
Winter squash, cooked 1 cup: 6 g
Pasta, whole wheat 1 cup: 6 g
Garbanzo beans, cooked 1 cup: 6 g
Apples with skin 1 medium: 5 g
Pear 1 medium: 5 g
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup: 5 g
Carrot, cooked 1 cup: 5 g
Corn, sweet 1 cup: 5 g
Potato, baked w/skin 1 medium: 5 g

A bowl of bran cereal can add a whopping 20 grams of fiber to your diet. However, it is best to get your fiber naturally in your diet from high-fiber foods instead of through bran and fiber supplements and other over-the-counter constipation remedies.

Drinking an ample amount of water is another component to the prevention measure. Liquids add bulk to stools, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass. Keep in mind that water does not promote normal bowel function by itself. It is beneficial when combined with a high dietary fiber. A simple way of avoid constipation is to drink a couple two to four extra glasses of water each day on top of the already recommended 8 to 10 recommended daily glasses of water. This can be a chore considering most people do not drink the recommended amount of water, much less extra water.

The third component to relieving constipation is exercise. Moving your feet is an excellent way to get your bowels moving. Inactivity is a key risk factor for constipation which is why a regular exercise regime is the remedy. You can help your digestive system function better by adding as little as 15 minutes of walking time twice daily.

Anyone who has ever suffered through a bout of constipation knows the value of an effective way to get things moving. Most, if not all, of your troubles can be relieved simply by adding more fiber dense foods to your diet, drinking an ample amount of water and getting regular exercise. The bonus is that three remedies are a great part of most health plans.

Julie Carlson is a freelance writer who focuses on health-related topics. Carlson is a contributing author for, a site dedicated to presenting health information in an unbiased format.

Three Sure Fire Ways to Relieve Constipation

Constipation Relief Foods

Examine Baby Constipation - Relief For Your Infant, Newborn, Or Toddler far more

Baby Constipation - Relief For Your Infant, Newborn, Or Toddler

Constipation Relief

Constipation is one of the most common complaints of infants, newborns, and toddlers. It creates a lot of discomfort in them and inconvenience on the part of the parents. It is characterized by the infrequent removal of feces or occurrence of hard stools.

And let me just say that this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice, please consult your doctor before you try anything radical!

Constipation Among Newborns and Infants

Newborn babies are expected to have their first stool passage in twenty-four hours from their births. Those who do not have their first bowel movement within that time should be examined by a doctor for checkup purposes because the cause could be the lack or absence of water in their colons. A longer period that would exceed 48 hours could mean a more fatal problem like Hirschsprung's disease, meconium ileus, or hypothyroidism.

Since babies are expected to have a daily bowel removal, parents must ensure that enough water is in their diet. Digested food flows through the intestines. In turn, it absorbs the required water and nutrients by the infant's body. The remains or wastes become the feces. Water is necessary because fecal production is possible when there is sufficient water in the remains or wastes. Parents must be aware too that the problem could be caused by the incapability of the lower intestines and anus to correctly contract and relax during stool passage. A change from breast milk to formula, formula to breast milk, or from one milk brand to another can sometimes cause constipation too.

Immediate actions must be done by parents to relieve the newborns and infants of constipation. Suggested actions are breastfeeding, administration of magnesium-water mixture through a bottle, gentle abdominal massages, infusion of flax oil to breast milk, and baby enema that is water-based.

Constipation Among Toddlers

Constipation among toddlers are usually caused by their poor diet and refusal to defecate. Their diet must be balanced and must be with sufficient fiber that are in fruits, vegetables, peanuts, eggs, milk and juices. The reasons for the refusal include but are not limited to the following:
- Refusal to recognize the urge to poop because they are quite engaged in play and socialization
- Their play area/facility or classroom does not have a clean bathroom
- A negative experience in the past that they associate with the use of the bathroom or bowel removal like taunting by other children while they used the toilet

Other causes of constipation among toddlers are health conditions such as diabetes, changes in electrolytes level, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, and ailments affecting the spinal cord. To prevent constipation among toddlers, parents must see to it that toddlers exercise. Engage them in some kind of physical activity like walking and jogging. Sedentary toddlers are more prone to constipation than those who move a lot.

To provide immediate relief, help them drink lots of water, prune juice, and milk. Insertion to anus of suppositories, drinking of castor or flax oil, soft diet, intake of doctor-recommended laxatives, and administration of milk enemas are likewise effective.

For more baby constipation and other articles regarding the topic visit Colon Health Advice

Study Natural Relief for Constipation more

Constipation is a very annoying problem that annoys millions of Americans. It is a digestive problem accompanied by stomach pains and hard stools leading to difficulty in bowel movement. Having this problem is annoying and at the same time frustrating. You may find yourself staying too long in the bathroom having difficulty with your bowel movements and end up unsuccessful. Although there are drugs available for this problem, natural relief for constipation is another option for you.

Regular bowel movement is important for your health. You eat more than three times a day and you need to eliminate daily to feel better and avoid any health issues. If not, the toxins that you should eliminate will reside on your colon and will create health problems in the future. When you have constipation, millions of toxins are deposited on your colon which could cause illnesses. Constipation is known to cause various diseases like colitis, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, hernia, varicose veins and even colon cancer. It is also important that you consult your doctor if you are experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of constipation.

If you tried various over the counter medicines and yet constipation continues to annoy you, then another option for you is the natural relief for constipation.

Of course the number one natural relief for constipation is to have a regular bowel movement. It is important to train yourself to eliminate daily. Train yourself to go to the bathroom everyday and practice daily elimination. If you feel the urge to eliminate, do not ignore or delay it because it may lead to constipation.

Drinking plenty of water is another natural relief for constipation. Water can alleviate symptoms of constipation. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday to hydrate yourself properly and help the colon do its job making the stool easy to pass leading to regular and easy bowel movement.

Adding fiber to your diet is also a natural relief for constipation. One of the common causes of constipation is low fiber in your diet. Introduce high fiber foods on your diet found in fruits, vegetable and whole grains. You can ask your doctor or dietitian to help you with a high fiber diet to eliminate constipation.

Constipation Relief Foods

Natural relief for constipation is an option for you to avoid the harmful side effects of drugs. Did you know that you could eliminate constipation in 7 days or less using step-by-step natural remedies? Feel normal again and get a total relief from constipation visit Constipation Natural Relief.

To know more about constipation natural remedies visit

To know more about health natural remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty.

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Natural Relief for Constipation. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Natural Relief for Constipation

Constipation Relief Foods

Read through Foods for Constipation Prevention and Relief a lot more

The most effective treatment of constipation is preventing the onset of the symptoms by choosing to eat a healthy diet. The leading cause of constipation is a poor diet - poor choice of foods, irregular eating habits, and not chewing your food enough so that you aid in the digestive process. A healthy diet should consist of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable, foods that are high in fiber content, and foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Your diet should include foods for constipation prevention and relief.

Foods Rich in Fiber

The following foods provide a great source of natural fiber and are foods for constipation prevention and relief:

Wheat bran cereal
Pinto beans
Whole-grain breads
Raw vegetables
Whole-wheat spaghetti
Pistachio nuts
Brussels Sprouts
Turnip greens
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Your body needs a certain amount of "good" fats. Food that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids is the healthiest way to get the required amount of fats. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for the prevention of constipation. Here are some good sources for obtaining Omega-3 fatty acids naturally and providing foods for constipation prevention and relief:

Lake Trout
Albacore Tuna
Foods That Help Relieve Constipation

There are many foods for constipation prevention and the relief of the symptoms of constipation:

Bale fruit - cleans and tones intestines
Bran products - provides fiber to soften stools
Guava - provides needed roughage
Corn syrup - helps to soften stools
Sugar - helps to soften stools
Spices - such as cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel, and asafetida makes food easier to digest
Apple Pectin - provide natural fiber
Folic Acid - insufficient intake of folic acid can cause constipation
Honey - natural form of sugar
Lemon juice - drink with warm water 2-3 times daily
How You Eat

Just as important as what you eat is how you eat. One of the most common causes of constipation is a poor diet - which can consist of poor food choices and irregular eating patterns. You should eat a healthy diet that consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, food high in fiber, and foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Cold-water fish should be a regular part of your diet - at least 2 times per week or more. Red meat should be eliminated from your diet - or eaten in small quantities.

How you eat your food is an important element in preventing or relieving constipation. You should adhere to a regular eating schedule. You should try to eat your meals at the same time each day - or as close as possible. Keeping your body on a regular schedule helps your digestive system to work naturally and on schedule. Another area that is controllable by you is chewing your food. If you swallow your food before it is chewed up sufficiently, it makes it harder for your body to digest the food. Be sure to chew your food slowly and chew it into small pieces so that your digestive system does not have to work harder than is necessary. Be sure you have plenty of time to eat your meal and do not have to rush, which can cause you to swallow your food before you have sufficiently chewed it.

It is just as important to take proper care of your digestive system as it is to take care of other parts of your body. If you work with your digestive system and do things that will ease the burden on your digestive system, your digestive system will work with you. The best way to do this is to eat a healthy diet, eat regularly, and to exercise regularly.

Constipation Relief

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Foods for Constipation and Diet at is the WorldÂ’s Largest Alternative Health Portal. Participate in Health Questions Q&A, where you can Ask, Answer and Earn Money! A great opportunity to get help from other people for free! If you are worried about your pets health, read about Constipation in Pets

Foods for Constipation Prevention and Relief

Read Symptoms and Relief of Constipation During Pregnancy extra

Symptoms and Relief of Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation Relief

Constipation can be very common in pregnant women, and unfortunately can sometimes be chronic and prove to be very uncomfortable. On the whole, this is generally because the whole digestive system is influenced by hormonal changes during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body produces more of the female hormone progesterone than usual which is perfectly normal and part of the natural state of a woman's body whilst carrying a child. The effect of this however, is that sometimes the progesterone causes relaxation of the muscle wall of the bowel which is then less able to move food and bodily waste along. This slowing of the woman's intestinal movements often brings about the state of being constipated.

The main signs of constipation during pregnancy are:

Faeces are hard, making them difficult to pass. This can sometimes cause bleeding from the rectum in severe cases
Three or four days between each bowel movement
A general feeling that not all the faeces are being passed - this can cause some discomfort
Constipation can also be a cause of lower abdominal pain.
In extreme, but rare, circumstances, constipation can result in difficulties giving birth

In some cases, though they rare, these symptoms can be indicative of other more serious conditions and so you should always consult your doctor if you are concerned.

Some precautions and remedies include:

It is quite important for pregnant women to look after their diet and maintain regular bowel habits to avoid unnecessary discomfort and possible complications.
Eat plenty of fibre since this stimulates the intestines to work harder and also absorbs liquid, which helps ensure that the faeces do not dry out, but remain soft.
Include a range of the following in your diet: fruit (especially prunes), vegetables, wholemeal bread, breakfast cereals
Drink plenty of water - at least six tumblers of fluid per day. This will help ensure that the intestine works as well as possible and keep the faeces soft
Take gentle exercise to gently stimulate the bowel and help digestion. Walking or swimming for about 20 to 30 minutes per day, three times a week will help digestion
Potential complications of constipation?

In extreme cases, excess straining and weakening of the muscles in the lower abdominal area can contribute to a prolapse of the womb or rectum, although this is generally rare
Dependency on laxatives has been known to be an issue in people with chronic constipation. The bowel in someone who has overused laxatives for a long period of time may often become sluggish and dependent on their use
A Hernia, where there occurs bulging of the abdominal contents through a weak point in the abdominal wall can in some cases be caused by too much straining when trying to get rid of hard, persistent stools.
Hemorrhoids - these are swollen veins at the site of the anus, and are caused by straining over a long period of time. If they are large enough they can often be visible from the outside, and are generally painful and can cause local bleeding.

You can read more about the causes and symptoms of constipation during pregnancy at SearchMedica where John contributes

Read through Quick Relief For Travel Constipation - Never Get Constipated On The Road Again much more

Quick Relief For Travel Constipation - Never Get Constipated On The Road Again

Constipation Relief

Travel for some reason tends to constipate a great number of people.

Even if you normally don't suffer from constipation, you may be somebody who gets constipated when you go on a trip away from home.

I suffered from travel related constipation for years. Talk about uncomfortable.

Constipation while traveling can make your trip painful, awkward and physically take a toll on you.

If you are like me, you may behave differently and undergo major schedule changes when you travel. This may cause your normal daily bowel movement routine to get thrown off.

When you travel you are already out of your usual comfort zone and then if your body gets all stopped up - you can really feel awful.

There are quite a few factors that may cause you to get constipated when you travel:

-Your normal diet may not be followed

-Your usual timing of your meals is thrown out of whack

-You may have limited access to restrooms

-Long car trips and dry air on airplanes can make you dehydrated, which contributes to constipation

Here are a few things you can do to avoid travel constipation and help your colon to work more effectively while traveling:

-Increase your fiber intake a few days before you travel to get your body eliminating the waste with greater ease

-Pack some healthy high fiber food with you when you travel so you will not be so likely to grab fast food that contributes to constipation. Raw vegetables and fruits are great and the fiber will fill you up and help keep you regular

-Eat every few hours while traveling and don't skip meals

-Stay active throughout your trip. Try to walk around as much as you can and move your body around.

-Drink lots of water. Travel can dehydrate you and cause constipation.

So what can you do if you follow the above tips and you still suffer from travel constipation?

I have found a natural method that gives me quick relief for travel constipation every single time.

My reliable quick relief for travel constipation is to use a natural colon cleanser that gives me natural healthy dependable bowel movements when I am away from home.

After so many years of travel constipation, when I get ready for a trip my colon cleanser is now the very first thing I pack to be sure I never suffer from constipation on the road again.

To receive more information about my quick relief for travel constipation click below

quick relief for travel constipation

quick remedy for constipation