Read Autism Treatment - Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, Auto Intoxication - Part 2 more

Autism Treatment - Aggressive Behavior, Constipation, Auto Intoxication - Part 2


Part 1 of this series discussed the issue of autointoxication. Autointoxication refers to toxins that are reabsorbed when feces is not expelled through normal bowel movements and when constipation is a problem. When those toxins are reabsorbed, undesirable behaviors like aggression and irritability can occur along with the constipation.

Toxins from yeast and bacteria overgrowth can also be directly absorbed from the digestive tract. This is a very common thing that I see in my practice time and time again. When a child is constipated, that can lead to lack of eye contact, behavioral problems and even lack of speech in some children. So if improvements in therapies, and this can be therapies other than the biomedical ones, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, etc. wane and you start to see regression, there could be an underlying constipation issue at play and they are not having regular bowel movements like they should.

To avoid constipation, your child should ideally be having a bowel movement once a day at the minimum or even twice a day. I also have heard many parents say that their child does have a bowel movement everyday but you need to be aware of the size of the bowel movement. Even if the bowel movement is fairly large, the child could have much more stool in their digestive tract that is not being passed, leading to this problem with constipation. Or if their stool is very dry, like small little pellets, that is also a sign of constipation issues and so assessment of the digestive tract is very important.

Taking your child to see their doctor for an abdominal x-ray is a very simple thing you can do to assess constipation. And x-ray will let you see if there is a large amount of fecal matter in the digestive tract. The bowels can be a source of input of nutrients from our food but they can also be a source of toxicity if constipation is an issue. And behavioral problems can occur as a result of the constipation as well.

Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to

Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free ebook at