Read through A Step by Step Guide to Relieving Constipation in Pregnant Women a lot more

Due to raging hormone levels, iron supplements that many pregnant women take, and at later stages, pressure the baby applies to the lower intestines - Constipation is one of the typical discomforts of a pregnancy. That, however, does not mean that nothing can be done in the subject.

1. Are you exercising regularly? If you're not, that can definitely cause constipation during pregnancy, and vice versa. According to the American College of Obstetrics and gynecology, moderate exercise can definitely relieve constipation during pregnancy. What is recommended for all people who experience constipation (walking, swimming and aerobics exercise), also apply here, with one exception: aerobics exercise should be at half the effort level the same woman exercised pre-pregnancy.

2. Are you eating a healthy dose of fruit and vegetables? 25-30 grams of fiber a day, along with plenty of fluids, are another thing that is recommended for anyone who suffers from constipation, pregnant women included.

3. Prenatal massage, which is a treat by itself, can also address directly the constipation problem and significantly relieve it, and this is only one of the many benefits that a regular massage during pregnancy can bring.

4. Are you taking food supplements and vitamins? Antacids and iron supplements can cause constipation so a careful selection of food supplements and vitamins and choosing the ones specifically designed for pregnant women can help prevent constipation.

It is important to keep in mind that unlike the home remedies that apply to everyone that is looking to relieve his or her constipation, some medications and minerals are highly not recommended during pregnancy. For example, stimulant laxatives are not recommended, and neither are mineral oils. Even when taking Metamucil, which is considered a relatively mild Over The Counter remedy for constipation, a doctor should be in the picture - advising when and how much to take.

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A Step by Step Guide to Relieving Constipation in Pregnant Women

Examine Knowing What to Do For Constipation more

To get that much needed relief when constipated, one must know what to do for constipation.

There are many causes of irregular movement and this includes poor diet, certain medications, low mobility, stress and eating disorders.

What do you experience when you are constipated?

There is painful and difficult defecation due to hard and dry stool and the feeling of not being able to empty the bowels completely. The frequency of passing stools is also lessened significantly.

What effective treatments can you do for constipation?

The most common is switching to a high fiber diet. If you indulge in high-fat, low fiber foods such as burgers, pizzas, ice cream etc. it is high time you switch to eating fiber-rich foods dietary fiber supplements.

Some supplements are said to aid a constipated person by easing bowel movements. Magnesium supplements are particularly found to be helpful in making colon muscles relax making contractions smoother for the passage of stools.

Increase your water intake and decrease alcoholic and caffeine rich beverages. 2 quarts of water daily can get rid of the problem for you. Add to this other fluids like fruit juices and soups for more effective treatment.

Exercise regularly. If you don't have time to go to the gym, a 30 minute walk or run every day is sufficient.

There are also laxatives you can take to increase the amount of water in your intestines. This softens the stool so it can easily be defecated. Osmotic laxatives like milk of magnesia and Epsom salt are effective in producing movement within 24 hours.

Knowing what to do for constipation is important even when you do not frequently suffer from this problem. If you are aware of its treatments, you must also be aware of its prevention.

Constipation Relief Foods

Discover the effective Constipation Treatment that will cure your constipation for good but the medical industry doesn't want you to know about.

These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have helped thousands of constipation sufferers to cure constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out how to cure constipation in 7 days by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Knowing What to Do For Constipation

Read through Do Bananas Cause Constipation? We Explain the Truth Once and For All extra

Do Bananas Cause Constipation? We Explain the Truth Once and For All


A common question posed by constipation sufferers is: "do bananas cause constipation?" This article explores this topic in more depth and seeks to give you the answer to this often asked question, once and for all.

Interestingly, this question does not have a simplified "yes" or "no" response. The truth of the matter is that bananas can help fend off issues with constipation just as easily as consuming them can be a source of constipation.


Bananas are very high in soluble fiber which, in some cases, helps to move the bowels through the intestinal tract so bananas can be helpful in eliminating constipation issues.
Bananas contain an ingredient identified as pectin and the pectin is the source of fiber in bananas.
Consuming a single banana offers you more than fifteen percent of the entire daily fiber intake you require.
The ripeness of a banana will determine whether or not it will make you constipated when it is consumed.
The potassium in ripe bananas helps to alleviate diarrhea since it replaces needed electrolytes.
Fructooligosaccharide are found in bananas; an enzyme producing compound that assists in natural digestion and hinders the fermentation of bananas once inside the intestinal tract; this helps to prevent constipation in some cases.

Unripe Bananas

When bananas are green, consuming them can cause you to become constipated. The unripe bananas or Plantains are far more difficult for your body to digest; they are also bitter to the taste due to the tannin in the green bananas. Since Plantains are more difficult on the digestive tract, the green banana variants may move into the intestinal tract and cause a binding effect in the bowels. These types of bananas are also filled with heavy starches, which can also contribute to constipation.

How Many Bananas Should You Consume?

You should definitely consume bananas in moderation; one, but no more than two bananas per day is recommended to maintain healthy bowel movements. The bananas that you do decide to consume should be yellow with several blackened spots on them; this indicates the banana's ripeness. You might want to start with a single banana daily to see how the bananas affect your system.

Are you sick and tired of constantly being constipated? Do you want to find out exactly how to deal with this problem? Visit the natural cures for constipation website to find out the best methods for getting rid of this problem long term.

Read Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies far more

Constipation Relief

People who suffer from constipation find it difficult to move their bowels. Their stools are often hard and dry. Constipation may be accompanied by stomach pain, bloating, cramps and nausea. The problem is often caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Oftentimes, a change in diet and lifestyle can bring relief for constipation.

Constipation happens when the movement of food through the colon or large intestine is slowed down or stopped. This can be caused by illness, certain medications, pregnancy, aging, dietary changes, etc.

Over-the-counter remedies can bring relief for constipation, but they are not necessarily the best options. Aside from being expensive, they can have unwanted side effects. In fact, if you use laxatives for too long your body may become reliant on them so that you will find it difficult to have a regular bowel movement without taking a laxative.

Natural remedies bring the best relief for constipation. These remedies will not cause undesirable side effects and are often readily available. They also promote a healthier digestive system.

More Fiber

Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best remedies for constipation. The fiber in fruits and vegetables add bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass. You can also increase your intake of dietary fiber by eating whole-grain cereals and dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, apricots and figs. Green leafy vegetables contain plenty of fiber. Have them raw in fresh salads for best results.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Make sure you drink plenty of water and fruit or vegetable juices. Fluids help keep the stools soft. If you are constipated, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This hydrates your body, allows the proper flow of moisture in the digestive tract, and makes it easier to pass stool.

Add Bran to Food

Your daily diet should include 20 to 35 grams of fiber. If you find it hard to get enough fiber in your diet, you can add small amounts of miller's bran or unprocessed bran to cereals, baked goods or fruit. Some people experience bloating and gas for a few weeks after including bran in their diets. Make diet changes slowly so your digestive system can adapt.

If you are getting sufficient fiber from fruits and vegetables, it may not be necessary to add bran to your food.

Lifestyle Changes

If you lead a sedentary life, you can get relief from constipation by making a few changes in your lifestyle. Regular physical exercise is a very effective remedy for constipation. Also, make sure you don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.

Get constipation relief and find a cure for constipation today!

Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies

Constipation Relief

Go through Constipation Relief Naturally more

Constipation Relief Naturally

Constipation Relief

Bowel problems affect over 50 million Americans each year. Constipation can be anything from stools that are too hard, too infrequent or too difficult to pass. To make matters even worse, many times this can be accompanied by cramping, bloating, and pain; not to mention some of the other complications of hernia's and hemorrhoids that can result from straining too hard. There is no medical hard fast definition for constipation as every person has a different bodily cycle of which movements occur. Hormonal fluctuations in women during the menstrual cycle can make the symptoms even worse.

The best cure for constipation is prevention. For most people all that is necessary to keep on a normal cycle is to adjust your diet by ensuring that you get at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 2 servings of whole grain and 8 eight ounces of water per day. This will increase the bulk fiber and water in your diet making movement through the colon smoother.

When additional help is needed the best remedy recommended by nearly all holistic and homeopathic professionals is flaxseed. Flaxseed is also known as linseed oil used by painters. For medicinal uses you want to use the actual flax seed itself. It is available in many health food stores. Take 1 teaspoon of flax seed and mix it in with your coffee beans and grind together. Drinking that morning cup of coffee will suddenly turn into a major health benefit.

It is important to note that the immature seeds of flax are poisonous and dangerous. Your best safeguard is to buy flax seed from a reputable health food store.

Dandelion, thought by many to just be a bothersome weed, contains a bitter compound that actually helps the flow of bile and move stools along. Herbalists most often recommend using dandelion oil in water as a gentle way to stimulate bowel movements.

If nothing seems to be helping, before turning to a laxative pill, try making a licorice and prune tea. Simmer 1/2 teaspoon of licorice root for two minutes in a 1/2 cup of boiling water. Remove from the heat and let steep for 20 minutes then remove the root. Take three stewed prunes and let them soak in the tea for a few hours. Eat the prunes and drink the tea right before bed and relief will come in the morning.

Bright blessings, Ashira

Ashira is a Practicing Pagan for over 15 years. Currently she is a featured columnist at The Witches' Child Author Bacon Bits Author FFWA Member Cassel Network of Writers Member

Understand Home Remedies for Constipation - Simple Things to Do for Relief much more

Home remedies for constipation simply work. There are many reasons people struggle with constipation, usually due to deficiencies in their overall diet or through illness. If you are struggling with that terrible "can't go" feeling, chances are that you will already have a few of the best treatments available to you in your own pantry.

Sometimes, it takes just a bit of reflection and some action to start seeing improvements in your overall health. Sufferers of chronic constipation should have a good look at what they eat on a regular basis. For example, if you are eating a diet that is heavy in fried foods or dense foods like cheese, chances are good that a vegetable and fruit based diet will help. If you are eating too many refined foods, chances are equally good that you will be blocked up more frequently.

Make your diet work for you. Eat at least six ounces of whole grains each day. Because they have plenty of nutrients in them, you will benefit from the added fiber pushing waste from your body. Also make sure that you drink plenty of water as a common cause of constipation is dehydration. Make sure this is something you do every day.

Quick Home Remedies for Constipation

The following are some of the best home remedies for constipation. All you need to do is to check out the options available to you, choose one and see if it works for you. It is not recommended that you use a combination of these methods within a short span of time:

Up your fruit intake. Apples, apple juice, rhubarb, raisins and bananas are all good for relieving constipation. Apples are often considered to be natural laxatives.
Use a fiber supplement. Home remedies for constipation will often center on getting more fiber in the diet because this is at the heart of the problem for those suffering from constipation. If you do not want to change your diet, supplement it with a natural fiber.
Use blackstrap molasses and honey in your diet. Take two tablespoons of the molasses about an hour or so before bed. It should be one of the most effective home remedies for constipation. Honey is another natural laxative that works slowly. It is a milder option for those who do not want to rush to the bathroom.
Drink 2-3 cups of strong coffee (but not just before you go to bed). You will not hear doctors tell you this very often, but coffee is a natural laxative for many people. For those that do not like coffee, try the herb Oregon grape. Both have a very bitter taste and it is the nutrients that cause that taste that will stimulate improvement to your constipation.
Add some oil to your diet too. Home remedies for constipation like this help to improve the amount of good fats in your diet. That can improve the way you feel. Use safflower and soybean oils for the best results.

These above tips will work for most people. Will these home remedies for constipation work for you? Chances are good that they will if you take care to use them properly. Most will not give you that sudden urge to go to the bathroom, either. That is the one of the major benefits of these home remedies.

Greg T Hardyman is an Australian freelance writer and internet marketer. He has an interest in traditional home remedies, particularly those of the more exotic and unusual varieties. Check out his website [] for more great articles.

Home Remedies for Constipation - Simple Things to Do for Relief

Constipation Relief Foods

Go through Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief extra

Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

Constipation is more of a symptom, rather than a disease. A person is usually considered to be constipated if he is having fewer bowel movements than usual, takes a long time to pass stools, and if bowels are hard.

Constipation is a common digestive tract disturbance, which restricts regular bowel movement. It is broadly defined as less than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation is less than one bowel movement per week. Nearly everyone becomes constipated at one time or another; and older people are more prone than younger people.

The number of bowel movements generally decreases with age. Majority adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The best habit is one bowel movement a day, but most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day.

Constipation mostly lasts for a short time and is not serious. If you can make out what is causing constipation, you can take steps to prevent it.

Symptoms -

o No bowel movement at least once a day

o Difficulty in eliminating fecal matter - may lead to anal fissures

o Mucus coated tongue

o Foul breath

o Pain in the lower legs

o Loss of appetite

o Headache

o Dizziness, nausea

o Vertigo

o Diarrhoea alternating with constipation

o Acidity

o Wind formation

Causes of constipation:

1) Faulty diet - Lack of dietary fibre like vegetables, fruits and whole grains leads to hard stools, which slows the passage of waste food through the bowel. Eating a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products and eggs, or rich desserts and sweets also may cause constipation.

2) Lack of fluids - Without adequate fluids, waste matter in the intestine dries out, making it difficult to pass.

3) Lack of exercise - If you follow a sedentary lifestyle, muscle contractions that move waste matter through the bowel slow down.

4) Overuse of laxatives - causes damage to the nerves and muscles.

5) Hormonal and physical changes - pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause

6) Smoking, consuming too much tea or coffee

7) Anxiety

8) Aging - bodily functions including digestive system usually slow down with age.

9) Certain medicines - such as some anti-allergies, anti-histamines, painkillers, iron tablets and some antacids


A change in what you eat and drink and how much you exercise daily will help relieve and prevent constipation. The easiest solution is the increase of fluids (preferably water) and dietary fibre. This may be achieved by consuming more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to one's diet. The routine use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use.
Avoid all types of processed and refined foods such as white flour, rice, bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, white sugar.

Increase intake of wholegrain cereals, whole wheat, green vegetables, spinach, cabbage; and fruits such as guava, grapes, apples, orange, and papaya.

Drink lot of fluids - Drink between ten to twelve eight glasses of fluids/water a day to prevent constipation. Avoid alcohol or caffeine containing drinks.

Get adequate exercise - as it helps prevent constipation by stimulating the colon. Do things that keep you moving and active as it also promotes overall health.

Use laxatives only if advised by the doctor

Check medications - Certain drugs can cause constipation such as medications to relieve high blood pressure, antipsychotic drugs and even some over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are regularly taking any such over-the-counter drugs, discontinue them for a while and notice the difference.

Constipation requires immediate treatment if it is accompanied by symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, and involuntary weight loss.

Home remedies for Constipation-

o Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy bowel movement in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of pure castor oil in the milk. This remedy is one of the most useful Home Remedies for Constipation

o Drink one litre of luke warm water on an empty stomach, and take a light walk for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

o A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. A teaspoon of this powder to be taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed. This remedy is another effective and good Home Remedy for Constipation

o Guava is helping in relieving constipation, if eaten with seeds. One or two guavas to be taken daily, as it provide good roughage to diet.

o Eat only when hungry and give a gap of at least 4 hours between meals.

o Food should be slowly and properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times should be avoided.

o Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel as they make the food easy to digest.. This is helpful in Constipation Cure.

o Fried foods, beans, wind-forming vegetables like cauliflower, radish and dried fruits should be avoided. Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

o All fruits, like guava, grapes, papaya, figs, orange (except banana and jackfruit), are beneficial constipation cure.

o A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both roughage and lubrication.

o Ginger tea is a very good Home Remedy for constipation. It helps start bowel movement.

o Avoid milk and milk products as they contain casein, an insoluble protein that tends to block up the intestinal tract.

o Take 10/12 pieces of raisin (Munakka), and then boil them in a glass of milk. Cool it, eat the raisins and drink the milk. This is very good and effective Home Remedy for constipation.

o Turmeric powder boiled in milk along with figs also helps in relieving constipation and constipation cure.

Expert's advice - constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, try and follow a healthy life style.

Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

Read Causes Of Constipation extra


Most persons have suffered from Constipation at one time or other, due to change of diet, travel, surgery, medication, stress or many other simple causes. These are temporary bouts and correct themselves when properly settled in.

Next in line is Constipation which is treatable with laxatives and changes in life style. The causes of this medium-term Constipation include a low-fiber and high-fat diet (dairy products, meats and eggs), not drinking enough liquids, excessive use of dehydrating liquids like coffee, tea, cola and alcohol, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, usage of medications like antacids, antidepressants, antispasmodic drugs, iron tablets, anticonvulsant drugs, painkillers or prolonged medication for some other chronic condition which causes Constipation as a side effect, old age, pregnancy, abuse of laxatives and repeatedly refraining from having a bowel movement when the urge is there (for example, due to continuous travel or in order to avoid using public toilets).

Chronic Constipation is a long-term problem, which can be divided into diseases that directly affect the GI tract and cause the problem, and diseases elsewhere in the body, which cause Constipation. Problems of the GI tract include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic idopatic intestinal pseudo obstruction, intestinal obstruction (scar tissue, diverticulosis, tumors, colorectal stricture, Hirschsprung's disease and cancer), colonic inertia and delayed transit (the colon muscles do not push the stool with normal strength and the movement of the stool is delayed), anorectal dysfunction (this condition prevents the rectal muscles from relaxing to pass the stool) and structural problems (anal fissures, hemorrhoids, strictures, tumors, rectal prolepses, fistulae, stenosis and rectede).

Most of the above problems need specialized equipment and tests. Disorders with other parts of body which cause Constipation are neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries, metabolic and endocrine problems like diabetes, uremia, hypercalemia, amyloidosis and scleroderma.

Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].

Causes Of Constipation


Read through Using Minerals to Stop Constipation a lot more

The various minerals and vitamins recommended, to stop constipation, here should be taken individually or as a multi-mineral complex or as a vitamin complex. Avoid a supplement that contains both vitamins and minerals. There is some loss in the effectiveness of individual vitamins and minerals when they are combined in multiform. Use capsules for best results because capsules are filled with powder. Capsules dissolve quickly and so does the powder.

Some hard, tablet supplements may not dissolve completely in your stomach or intestines and flow into your colon and out your rectum.

Minerals In Fruits and Vegetables

Minerals in produce are the best minerals to take. These minerals are in the form that nature created and is exactly what the body needs to stop constipation. They are electo-magnetically charged and have a life force that is provided by the plant. This life force quickly decreases after the fruit or vegetable has been picked. Therefore, it is always recommended to eat fruits or vegetable soon after they have been picked and not to cook them.

Electrolyte Minerals

It is best to take liquid electrolyte minerals. In this form, minerals have an electrical charge and are ready for use by the body. Electrolyte minerals when placed in the mouth are absorbed quickly though the mouth lining and lining of the gastrointestinal tract as they travel towards colon. When the colon functions like it should it will stop constipation.

Minerals help to electrify the body. They improve brain function, nerve activity, blood structure, body structure, and body calmness.

Health Tip: Add minerals to your diet by eating raw fruits and vegetables and through supplements. Minerals insure your colon has the proper tone and functions and this stops constipation.

In I. Gerald Olarsh, N.D.'s pamphlet called, Electrolytes, he points out that,

"Electrolytes in the body are minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride etc. that are dissolved in the blood. When the electrolytes are dissolved they break apart into charged particles called ions. The ions carry either a negative or positive charge. These charged particles create electricity that helps run the bodies of animals and humans. Electrolytes are the basis of good health because they are used in the maintenance and repair of all tissue, the utilization of amino acids, and as the basis of every physical and neurological function..."
The Next Best Mineral Supplements

If electrolytic minerals are not available, used chelated minerals. These minerals are attached to amino acids making them magnetic, which allow them to flow right through the intestinal walls without having to be digested.

Look for minerals such as,

- Calcium apertate
- Calcium gluconate
- Calcium Citrate

Mineral Absorption

Most minerals are absorbed in the last part of the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine, your colon. When your colon walls collect layer upon layer of waste, it affects absorption of the minerals you consume. When this happens, your body will be deficient in minerals and your appetite will be larger than normal. Eating more food and having a malfunction colon will make it difficult to stop constipation.

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Using Minerals to Stop Constipation

Study Health and Nutrition - 5 Helpful Tips For Constipation Relief! much more

Health and Nutrition - 5 Helpful Tips For Constipation Relief!

Constipation Relief

Is constipation a problem for you? If you're like most other American's it is, at least sometimes. I'd like to share a few tips to help with this nagging problem.

Constipation is not the most savory subject people like to bring up, but answering it with sound advice and knowledge will go a long way to releiving the pain associated with it. Here are the most common reasons for this condition:

1. Eating processed food too quickly. We have such an obnoxious world to live in! We've cut into our time our forebears had to prepare fantastic and nutritious meals. We eat so quickly that our bodies have little time to digest the garbage we load our bodies with in the first place! If we contribute more time and mastication to our diets, this problem would diminish.

2. Living a sedentary lifestyle. Put plainly, we don't move enough! Physical movement induces the natural undulation of the transverse bowel. Lack of physical movement can slow this movement to a crawl. Committing to more exercise would hasten the natural processes of the bowel and promote digestive health and produce a healthful movement to the digestive tract..

3. Not enough fluids. Water is the foundation of a healthy digestive tract. It is water that helps produce the bulk needed to carry fecal matter through the system and out of the body. Drinking more water not only dilutes the urine promoting better health, but also helps to dilute food matter in the gut, thereby preventing it from sticking to the intestinal walls. Drink more fresh water to move your intestines into action!

4. Not eating enough fruits, vegetables, and roughage. Leave the skins on fruit! Discover the hearty texture and flavor of grains like buckwheat, bulgur, pearl barley, and steel-cut oatmeal. You may be missing out on a culinary experience by passing these nutritious food up! I personally eat the skin right along with the mango (antioxidant rich, plus highly fibrous!) Peryour tastes, I don't necessarily recommend you do this too, but the point is to pay closer attention to what you put into your body.

5. Not doing regular bowel cleanses. Impacted fecal matter inside our bodies is a problem too many of us ignore. It is the cause of many of our digestive troubles. Doing regular bowel/colon cleanses will promote total body health and well being and will go a long way to keep your system gently 'on the move' with regularity!

One thing of note, as much as everyone in this business recommends fiber, beware of some OTC fiber products, most of which contain high amounts of sugar. I find these distasteful because the sugars don't dissolve in time for you to consume them anyway. Your best course is to get your hands on some psyllium seed husks and drink lots of water with it for best results.

Release the impacted material on the lining of your intestines. Most Americans have this problem, even if we are not aware. Expel this Gunk once and for all by clicking the link below!

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Go through Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief a lot more

Constipation is more of a symptom, rather than a disease. A person is usually considered to be constipated if he is having fewer bowel movements than usual, takes a long time to pass stools, and if bowels are hard.

Constipation is a common digestive tract disturbance, which restricts regular bowel movement. It is broadly defined as less than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation is less than one bowel movement per week. Nearly everyone becomes constipated at one time or another; and older people are more prone than younger people.

The number of bowel movements generally decreases with age. Majority adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The best habit is one bowel movement a day, but most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day.

Constipation mostly lasts for a short time and is not serious. If you can make out what is causing constipation, you can take steps to prevent it.

Symptoms -

o No bowel movement at least once a day

o Difficulty in eliminating fecal matter - may lead to anal fissures

o Mucus coated tongue

o Foul breath

o Pain in the lower legs

o Loss of appetite

o Headache

o Dizziness, nausea

o Vertigo

o Diarrhoea alternating with constipation

o Acidity

o Wind formation

Causes of constipation:

1) Faulty diet - Lack of dietary fibre like vegetables, fruits and whole grains leads to hard stools, which slows the passage of waste food through the bowel. Eating a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products and eggs, or rich desserts and sweets also may cause constipation.

2) Lack of fluids - Without adequate fluids, waste matter in the intestine dries out, making it difficult to pass.

3) Lack of exercise - If you follow a sedentary lifestyle, muscle contractions that move waste matter through the bowel slow down.

4) Overuse of laxatives - causes damage to the nerves and muscles.

5) Hormonal and physical changes - pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause

6) Smoking, consuming too much tea or coffee

7) Anxiety

8) Aging - bodily functions including digestive system usually slow down with age.

9) Certain medicines - such as some anti-allergies, anti-histamines, painkillers, iron tablets and some antacids


A change in what you eat and drink and how much you exercise daily will help relieve and prevent constipation. The easiest solution is the increase of fluids (preferably water) and dietary fibre. This may be achieved by consuming more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to one's diet. The routine use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use.
Avoid all types of processed and refined foods such as white flour, rice, bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, white sugar.

Increase intake of wholegrain cereals, whole wheat, green vegetables, spinach, cabbage; and fruits such as guava, grapes, apples, orange, and papaya.

Drink lot of fluids - Drink between ten to twelve eight glasses of fluids/water a day to prevent constipation. Avoid alcohol or caffeine containing drinks.

Get adequate exercise - as it helps prevent constipation by stimulating the colon. Do things that keep you moving and active as it also promotes overall health.

Use laxatives only if advised by the doctor

Check medications - Certain drugs can cause constipation such as medications to relieve high blood pressure, antipsychotic drugs and even some over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are regularly taking any such over-the-counter drugs, discontinue them for a while and notice the difference.

Constipation requires immediate treatment if it is accompanied by symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, and involuntary weight loss.

Home remedies for Constipation-

o Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy bowel movement in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of pure castor oil in the milk. This remedy is one of the most useful Home Remedies for Constipation

o Drink one litre of luke warm water on an empty stomach, and take a light walk for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

o A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. A teaspoon of this powder to be taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed. This remedy is another effective and good Home Remedy for Constipation

o Guava is helping in relieving constipation, if eaten with seeds. One or two guavas to be taken daily, as it provide good roughage to diet.

o Eat only when hungry and give a gap of at least 4 hours between meals.

o Food should be slowly and properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times should be avoided.

o Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel as they make the food easy to digest.. This is helpful in Constipation Cure.

o Fried foods, beans, wind-forming vegetables like cauliflower, radish and dried fruits should be avoided. Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

o All fruits, like guava, grapes, papaya, figs, orange (except banana and jackfruit), are beneficial constipation cure.

o A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both roughage and lubrication.

o Ginger tea is a very good Home Remedy for constipation. It helps start bowel movement.

o Avoid milk and milk products as they contain casein, an insoluble protein that tends to block up the intestinal tract.

o Take 10/12 pieces of raisin (Munakka), and then boil them in a glass of milk. Cool it, eat the raisins and drink the milk. This is very good and effective Home Remedy for constipation.

o Turmeric powder boiled in milk along with figs also helps in relieving constipation and constipation cure.

Expert's advice - constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, try and follow a healthy life style.

Constipation Relief
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Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Go through Dangers of Constipation extra

The Danger of Constipation is that if what goes in does not come out, the toxins will accumulate in the colon and throughout the bloodstream. The toxins literally poison the body. If the toxins don't get released from the body, sickness and disease can take over.

So how do you get constipation relief? There are many ways.

One way to get relief from constipation is by drinking 100% Distilled Aloe Vera. I recommend "George's 100% Distilled Aloe Vera".  You can get this at your local health store.

Another way to relieve constipation is everyone's favorite: to exercise. Exercise helps alleviate constipation because it stimulates the intestines... which helps one go to the bathroom.

A third way to get constipation relief is to add fiber to your diet. Apples (especially organic apples) are an awesome way to help constipation. You've heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well, this is probably the reason that saying is true. Since constipation can cause sickness... and apples alleviate constipation, there is no need to go to the doctor. 

There are also many other ways to get fiber into the diet. Many cereals have high fibers... a lot of vegetables (green beans and peas are excellent sources) have a lot of fiber in them... and beans are great sources of fiber. Also, psyllium is another way to get fiber into your diet. You can get this at your local health store. Make sure you are getting about 32 grams of fiber each day.

Whatever method you choose to get relief from constipation, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you get rid of the toxins that are poisoning your body... so you don't end up getting sick or worse, getting a serious disease.

Constipation Relief is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.

Dangers of Constipation

Constipation Relief

Read through Health and Nutrition - 5 Helpful Tips For Constipation Relief! a lot more

Constipation Relief

Is constipation a problem for you? If you're like most other American's it is, at least sometimes. I'd like to share a few tips to help with this nagging problem.

Constipation is not the most savory subject people like to bring up, but answering it with sound advice and knowledge will go a long way to releiving the pain associated with it. Here are the most common reasons for this condition:

1. Eating processed food too quickly. We have such an obnoxious world to live in! We've cut into our time our forebears had to prepare fantastic and nutritious meals. We eat so quickly that our bodies have little time to digest the garbage we load our bodies with in the first place! If we contribute more time and mastication to our diets, this problem would diminish.

2. Living a sedentary lifestyle. Put plainly, we don't move enough! Physical movement induces the natural undulation of the transverse bowel. Lack of physical movement can slow this movement to a crawl. Committing to more exercise would hasten the natural processes of the bowel and promote digestive health and produce a healthful movement to the digestive tract..

3. Not enough fluids. Water is the foundation of a healthy digestive tract. It is water that helps produce the bulk needed to carry fecal matter through the system and out of the body. Drinking more water not only dilutes the urine promoting better health, but also helps to dilute food matter in the gut, thereby preventing it from sticking to the intestinal walls. Drink more fresh water to move your intestines into action!

4. Not eating enough fruits, vegetables, and roughage. Leave the skins on fruit! Discover the hearty texture and flavor of grains like buckwheat, bulgur, pearl barley, and steel-cut oatmeal. You may be missing out on a culinary experience by passing these nutritious food up! I personally eat the skin right along with the mango (antioxidant rich, plus highly fibrous!) Peryour tastes, I don't necessarily recommend you do this too, but the point is to pay closer attention to what you put into your body.

5. Not doing regular bowel cleanses. Impacted fecal matter inside our bodies is a problem too many of us ignore. It is the cause of many of our digestive troubles. Doing regular bowel/colon cleanses will promote total body health and well being and will go a long way to keep your system gently 'on the move' with regularity!

One thing of note, as much as everyone in this business recommends fiber, beware of some OTC fiber products, most of which contain high amounts of sugar. I find these distasteful because the sugars don't dissolve in time for you to consume them anyway. Your best course is to get your hands on some psyllium seed husks and drink lots of water with it for best results.

Release the impacted material on the lining of your intestines. Most Americans have this problem, even if we are not aware. Expel this Gunk once and for all by clicking the link below!

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Health and Nutrition - 5 Helpful Tips For Constipation Relief!

Read Constipation Relief Through Exercise far more

Constipation Relief Through Exercise

Constipation Relief Foods

When you are trying to find constipation relief exercise might be one of the last things that you think about. Usually constipation occurs among those who do not get the required amount of exercise they need on a regular basis. These people often have jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time and they do not get the opportunity to get up and move around much. There are a few different ways that you will be able to fight constipation through exercise that you will want to know about if you want to find relief.

One of the best constipation remedies you will find is exercising so it is very important that you take the time to do it. This does not mean that you have to spend countless hours every day working out in the gym. Exercising can be as simple as taking a break from your sit down job and stretching your legs out to take a walk. If you are moving around it allows your body to digest your food easier and will ensure that the food gets broke down properly allowing everything to flow a lot smoother in your body.

If you need to be able to get some immediate relief you can combine exercise with some natural laxatives that you will be able to use. One of the best natural laxatives to use is water because it helps to break down food and keeps your organs and intestine operating correctly. You not only want to use water for a temporary relief but you want to make sure that you are drinking plenty of it on a daily basis as well in order to keep constipation from happening. If you make sure that you are getting a little bit of exercise on a daily basis you will not have to worry about getting constipated.

You Might be feeling that you are locked inside a situation that you find hard to control constipation-relief is available. Do you get the impression that there is no real solution? If you are switching from one diet to another diet or only working out occasionally you will struggle to make progress.To Learn the easy rules of dieting and fat loss Click here Crown Fitness.

Go through How to Stop Constipation - 6 Tips to Say Goodbye to the Bloating a lot more

How to Stop Constipation - 6 Tips to Say Goodbye to the Bloating

Constipation Relief

Are you suffering from constipation? Are you looking for a natural cure instead of relying on laxatives? If you answered YES to both questions you are at the right place now. I am now going to share with you 6 tips to say goodbye to your constipation.

What is constipation? Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement of less than 3 times a week. With constipation your stools are usually hard. dry, small in size and very difficult to eliminate. Constipation is not a disease but a symptom. Most constipation is temporary and not serious. However those who do not pass any bowel movement for a week are advised to see their doctor immediately.

In most cases, following these 6 tips will help relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of constipation:

1. Change your diet to a well balanced and high fiber in content which are beans, grains, vegetables and fresh fruits.

2. Drink more than the recommended 8 glasses a day. To do this easily just drink a glass of water every hour on the dot. At the end of the day you would have consumed around 10 glasses of water.

3. You need to start an exercise program. Start slowly first. Perhaps you should consider walking for at least 30 minutes a day. Gradually you can start jogging instead of walking.

4. Set yourself a fixed timetable to visit the toilet. Perhaps every morning just sit on the toilet and read a newspaper for 10 minutes. When you make a habit of this, passing motion would be naturally easy.

5. Do not ever ignore the urge to have a bowel movement

6, Whenever you do not have a bowel movement for a week see your doctor immediately.

A lot of people using the above 6 tips found relief in their constipation. Used consistently you can be among those people who are successful in saying goodbye to their constipation. However you can learn more about stopping constipation in the next paragraph.

If you really want to learn about the forbidden secret on curing constipation by eating the right foods just Click Here Now!

Understand Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation additional

Constipation Cures - Natural Cure For Constipation


Constipation is a symptom whereby one have trouble in passing stool. Many folk appear to think that infrequent bowel movement is what constipation is all about, however this is not particularly correct. In fact the majority of constipated men and women do not have regular toilet, but it's also true that with most, evacuating of the bowels a few times a week is the usual pattern. So the basics are, if you pass stool often or infrequently, if the process is painful and the stool is dry, then you have constipation.

However, constipation is not an ailment on its own. It is the symptom of the food and water not properly passing through the colon. The colon absorbs too much water, making the stool to be dry. This causes the muscles have difficulty in compacting and getting rid of the feces.

Fruits and pills

So, plainly, to alleviate constipation you must make sure that the colon can take care of the ingested food and water easily. That is to say, a constipated patient must consume those kinds of food that will not be hard on the overworked colon. The remedies for constipation are of two types ---- natural and medicative. To use a different type of scale, remedies for constipation can too be divided into 3 groups ---- those that the patient likes consuming, those that he or she does not, and those that the sufferer abhors having administered. The final group comprises of getting enemas.

There are a number of fruits and vegetables that are understood to be natural constipation cures. These include wood apple, guava, pear, grapes, figs and papaya. Some of them are bound to be fruits that you wouldn't eat for a million dollars But as these could assist you get out of a nightmarish morning procedure, maybe you should relax your viewpoint a bit.

Those who suffer from occasional constipation prefer to use laxatives, either the lubricant variety or the emollient one, since one-time uses of these produce results.

Everyday remedies

There is no dearth of homecures for constipation. Drinking senna leaf tea or lukewarm water with honey first thing in the morning is known to facilitate bowel movement. Consuming a teaspoonful of virgin coconut oil before going to bed brings about easy bowel movement. Another tried and tested constipation remedy is dried isabgol husk soaked in milk. This is usually drunk at bedtime, as are some other facilitators of bowel movement, like linseed oil.

Eat wisely

To make sure that constipation does not keep recurring, you will need to make changes in your eating habits. Make your meals rich in leafy vegetables, and chew a lot before swallowing while you are eating meals. Drink plenty of water during the day. Maintain usual sleeping hours. And finally, don't get excited over the tiresome visit to the toilet every day morning. You should never underestimate the psycho-somatic effect such nervousness can have on you.

Find out all about Natural and Effective Constipation Cures at

Read Quick Relief From Constipation a lot more

Overcome and combat the feeling of constipation as there are proper methods to get relief from constipation. It should be detected at very early stage as regular constipation may cause severe stomach disorders and other ill feelings. Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels which causes strain, pain and dry excretion which is quite painful. It is not a harmful disease but can become one if not checked at the earliest. This is a disorder, therefore prevention and proper precaution if taken then the whole unwanted situation may be cured. It might take a harmful toil as studies have shown that intestinal cancer and poor absorption of nutrients may occur due constipation if not taken proper action.

So to get relief from constipation one must take few steps and follow some healthy rules.

Which are as follows, the most important is a proper food habit regular intake of meat and other dairy products at a high proportion would lead to having constipation; therefore, one must include a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber and nutrients in their diet to combat this disorder. If possible have a lot of green and leafy vegetables and for a better result if they are consumed raw, so eating of fresh salads a cold soup would create wonders and magic. The next step to get relief from constipation is the intake of fluid especially water and all kinds of fruit and vegetable juice. Water is the main constituent for the relief program, therefore a constipated person should drink at least 5 to 8 glasses of water on a daily basis which also hydrates your internal parts and enables the proper flow of moisture in the intestines.

Another harmless and healthy way to relief constipation is to under go regular and proper exercising routine. It can be done through brisk walking, jogging or even swimming, because keeping oneself active and fit the best relief from constipation. Nowadays with the fast moving lifestyle there has occurred regular intake of fast food, junks and canned food would play havoc with the internal system. If not changed at the earliest temporary constipation would become chronic one, which leads to other harmful diseases. So avoid junk food and stick to healthy and proper diet so as to get relief from constipation.

Intake of nuts like almond, apricot and also fruits, vegetables and herbs like coconut, avocados and dandelion is effective as they have laxatives, therefore have them in the form of salads, soups or dips, which ever suits the best. Avoid drinking tea coffee, sodas or alcohol; instead drink water, fruit and vegetable juice which are healthy and a good way to relief from constipation. Following all this necessary and healthy rules a person suffering from or seeing the symptoms of constipation would get relief. Being strict to the rules and using them honestly would combat and give relief from constipation at an earliest and pave a path leading to a normal and a healthy, joyous life.

Constipation Relief Foods

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Quick Relief From Constipation

Study The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation a lot more

If you are not sure what is the best way to get relief from constipation, you are not alone. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Determining what kind of constipation relief to use can be confusing, and if you need fast relief, it can be even more maddening when you are not sure what to do. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Infrequent bowel movements, more than 3 days apart, are cause for concern and you would be well advised to seek treatment from a professional.

Six Tactics To Get Proper Constipation Relief

1) Outdoor activities and regular exercise can help relieve constipation. By exercising you improve blood flow, reduce and maintain weight, and you tone your core muscles.

Walking instead of taking the car, even if you just park at the far end of a parking lot, is a good way to start moving.

2) Yoga, which could be considered a specialized exercise in this case, can be very effective in stimulating peristalsis and helping to relieve constipation. The practice of yoga can include bodily cleansing techniques to help with constipation and detoxification. Learning about yoga is a great way to move your body and cleanse the body of toxins as well.

3) Dietary steps you can take to help with constipation include choosing whole grain foods. Bran muffins and brown rice are two easy to add foods that can help get things moving. These foods stimulate bowel movements, and also help to soften stool.

4) Drink plenty of water. Not so much fruit juices, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. You should be drinking at least 1/2 your body weight, in ounces, of water per day. So if you weigh 210 pounds, 1/2 that is 105, you should drink 105 ounces of water per day. Instead of coffee, try drinking yerba-mate tea. These drinks do provide caffeine, plus they have other beneficial ingredients that coffee does not.

5) If you are taking prescription medication, it may be causing or contributing to your constipation. Discuss this with your doctor. You may have to compensate for taking medication with increased fluid intake, or more fiber.

6) Finally, fiber is an easy way to get help with constipation. Most people don't eat enough on a daily basis. You should be eating at least 20 grams a day. Fiber is found in many vegetables, such as beans, peas, corn and more. Fiber is also found in whole grains. It's better to get your fiber from your food, than from store-bought laxatives. Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber, and can be used in many recipes, including salads, breads, muffins, pancakes, etc.

In addition to these six ways to get help for constipation, you can also use medications and laxatives. You can make constipation worse if you use medication, or laxatives, on a regular basis. Talk it over with your doctor.

This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant as medical advice. Always consult with a physician prior to starting any kind of constipation relief program. This article is intended to provide general information, it is not the last word on the topic.

Constipation Relief Foods

Read more about help for constipation at my website. There you will find more articles about constipation relief and tips and recipes you can use to help with this terrible condition.

Allison Steele writes about various health and wellness topics. She is an expert in relief of bad breath and gastro-intestinal problems.

The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation

Examine Some Natural Remedies for Constipation extra

Constipation is a cause of many diseases and ailments. It can be caused by variety of reasons. Irregular motions which can some times last for 2 or 3 days or even more is known as constipation. Constipation can cause many problems including mouth sores, loss of appetite, lethargy, head ache, bad smell from mouth, piles  and other diseases.

Major reasons behind constipation are lack of fiber in food, eating refined food or high fat animal products, diseases of liver, weak digestion and not chewing the food properly etc.

Here are few ways to prevent and cure constipation.

To cure and prevent constipation it is very important to maintain an healthy lifestyle. Drink plenty of water and fluid.  You can start with around 1.5 liters of water first thing in the morning.

Regular exercises is extremely good. Including vegetables in the diet and chewing the food properly helps in the easier digestion and prevents constipation.

Gulkand (Rose Petal Jam)

Gulkand is an traditional product available in many stores  and prepared by mixing rose petals and sugar in a glass jar and putting the jar in the sun for 3 to 4 weeks.  This is an excellent tonic for enhancing the digestive system and increases it efficiency thus cleaning the intestines. Taking Gulkand with warm milk or water is helpful in constipation relief.


Guava contains the vital vitamins A, B and C and various minerals like phosphorus etc and is also abundent in fiber which is excellent for treating constipation. Take one or two ripe guava in the evening to get benefited.


Although not strictly a food item, triphala is a herbal powder which is a potent ayurveic medicine and consists of three herbs Amla, Baheda and Hartaki. It is one of the most potent combination for curing constipation. Taking two teaspoons spoon of Triphala with water or milk in the night clears the stomach quite easily.

For more information on how to get relief from constipation click Natural Constipation Cure

Some Natural Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Relief Foods

Examine Home Remedies for Constipation - Constipation Relief Tips much more

Irregularity amounts to constipation. Constipation is related to the digestive system. It is a condition that affects the individual by a hardening of feces, which experience biological difficulty in digesting. Extreme discomfort and outright pain is inflicted upon the afflicted. If not treated, in its early stages by home remedies for constipated bowel obstruction can develop. Dietary, hormonal, anatomical, side effects of medications, illnesses or disorder are the major causes of constipation.

Defining constipation is realized through the following determinations - inconsistent movement of the bowels, as in three or less fecal evacuations within a week; complications upon defecation, involving considerable straining or pushing, at a minimum of higher intensity of twenty-five percent, associated with a internal sensing of hardened stools; upon the process of defecation, an insufficient evacuation of the bowels. Hence, as the afflicted has ascertained the intensity of the constipation, a better judgment can be implored in a treatment within home remedies.

Detecting the cause of an individual's constipation is quite significant, in both alleviating and avoiding a recurrence of the condition within the digestive system. Such self-analysis will significantly aid in the choice of home remedies.

The more common contributors to bouts of constipation include inadequate chewing of food; lack of ample ingest of fluids in creating dehydration; excessive mineral intakes of aluminum, calcium and iron; limited or decreased locomotion in physical activity; onset of hypothyroidism, in decreasing the actions of the thyroid glands; hypokalemia; injury to the anus and sphincter; prescriptions, to include codeine, loperamide, morphine, and particular antidepressants of a tricyclic composition; underlying illnesses; inherent and acute porphyria; unintentional poisoning through lead; suppressed defecation, clinically termed as dyschezia; intestinal or rectal constrictions, which impede the passage of feces; Strictures, clinically referred to as stenosis; diverticula, whereas certain food particles become trapped within various pockets of the digestive system; tissues involving the areas of the bowels in the development of tumors; a foreign matter of embodiment, termed as a bezoar; anxiety or unfamiliarity with environment, clinically referred to as psychosomatic constipation; irritable bowel syndrome, that is associated with constipation of a predominant circumstance, to include intense abdominal pain and discomfort; cessation of the smoking of tobacco; surgery to the abdomen; and childbirth. Some form of home remedies for constipation can aid all of the proceeding maladies.

For those individuals who are not presenting complex medical problems, though are suffering from constipation, can greatly benefit from a number of practical and dietary consumables. In such proven argument against over-the-counter and non-prescribed usage of retail laxatives, as these forms of relief from constipation can lead to an issue, whereas the action of the chronically afflicted individual's bowels develop a co-dependency upon increased use of such formulations.

Therefore, in normal case scenarios, home remedies are the options preferred by general consensus. Such forms of natural intervention, in the alleviation of constipation, include the afflicted individual's adequate intake of liquids, mainly good quality water, along with fibers from a dietary source. The fiber options are merely the inclusion of ample vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads, to incorporate a better balance in the daily diet, along with such considerations in supplementing the diet of the ailing with linseeds, all, to encourage the natural approach towards home remedies for constipation.

Other approaches in the relieving of constipation, from an alternative and practical mode, which supportive treatments as colonic irrigation; enemas of naturally-based composition; adequate exercise; diet budgeting, as to balance intake, as appropriate; and certain herbs.

Focusing on exercise as to one of the natural relievers in pursuit of constipation home remedies, is, perhaps, more of a preventative measure towards the avoidance in the progressive development of undesirable constipation.

In conclusion, barring other medical issues that may possibly contribute or complicate, where constipation is an issue, home remedies for constipation is among the optimal choices.

Constipation Relief

Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. Read more Home Remedies for Constipation at Home Remedies. Also visit Best Home Remedies for Indigestion

Home Remedies for Constipation - Constipation Relief Tips

Examine Constipation a lot more

Prologue and Rationale

Constipation is the main cause of many disorders in the body. It is a common disturbance in the digestive system, which hinders the bowel movement. As a result toxins produced in the body are not eliminated and they find their way into the blood stream and are carried to all parts of the body. Due to this the resistance of the entire system is lowered. Constipation has different meanings depending on person to person. Some are of a view that if they are not having bowel movement daily they are constipated. But it's a wrong belief as it varies from person to person. Some may have bowel movement three times a day and some may have thrice a week, it varies from person to person. One is considered to be constipated if he or she is having pain while passing bowel or the bowels are not completely emptied when they move.


The various symptoms of constipation are-

· Hard, small and dry faeces

· Painful bowel movement

· Infrequent bowel movement

· Weight loss

· Pain in the abdomen

· Nausea

· Loss of appetite

· Diarrhea

· Uncomfortable feeling

· Pimples on the face

· Mouth ulcers

· Coated tongue

· Foul breath

· Acidity

· Headache

· Heart burn

· Insomnia

· Depression

· Dizziness

· Feeling of fullness in the stomach

· Abdominal pain


The most important cause of constipation is wrong diet and wrong living habits. Excessive intake of refined foods that lack vitamins and minerals, low consumption of water or liquids, consumption of meat in large amounts, high intake if tea and coffee, overeating, incomplete chewing of food, wrong combination of foods, irregular eating habits may contribute to the onset of constipation. Other causes may be the weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary working conditions, lack of physical activity, emotional stress and depression. Various diseases like tumors, diabetes, hyperacidity, colitis and sluggish liver are also the causes of chronic constipation. The other main cause of constipation is holding back stools despite pressure.


1. Drinking hot water with sour limejuice and half a teaspoon of salt is an effective remedy for constipation.

2. A teaspoon of linseed taken with water before each meal provides bulk and lubrication, thus curing constipation.

3. The juice of two oranges taken in the morning with empty stomach for 8-10 days relieves constipation.

4. Regular drinking of water is highly beneficial for cleaning the system. Normally 6-8 glasses of water are recommended for digesting and dissolving the food nutrients.

5. Drinking water, which has been kept overnight in a copper vessel when taken in the morning with empty stomach, will give immediate relief from constipation.

6. Dip 10-12 dry grapes without seeds in milk and boil the milk. Now chew the grapes and drink the milk. This is more beneficial when taken at night.

7. A cold friction bath taken daily in the morning also cures constipation.

8. 1-2 teaspoons of almond oil taken with milk at night for 3-4 days also relieves constipation.

9. Make chapatti of wheat (two parts) and roasted black gram powder (one part) along with their husk.

10. Dip two teaspoonfuls of Spiegel seeds in water for 6 hour, add equal amount of sugar and take this with water at night.

11. Cabbage juice half cup taken twice-daily cures constipation.

12. Mango is a natural reliever of constipation.

13. Chronic constipation can be cured with high intake of figs dipped in water and taken in the morning time.

14. Daily intake of guava with empty stomach in the morning time is highly beneficial.

15. The juice of two oranges taken in the morning with empty stomach for 8-10 days relieves constipation.

16. Vajrasana of various yogasanas is also beneficial for curing constipation.

17. Dip Spiegel seeds 5-10 grams in 200 grams of warm milk. Add sugar and take this at night.

18. 2-4 teaspoonfuls of castor oil also relieves constipation

19. 4 grams of triphala powder when taken with 200 grams of warm water or milk also relieves constipation.

20. Carrot juice mixed with spinach juice gives immediate relief from constipation.

21. Dates along with milk also relieve constipation.


Improper diet and fluids cause constipation. So, very heavy foods containing fats such as creams, pastries, puddings, proteins like cheese, chicken and fried foods should be avoided. The intake of raw foods like green vegetables, salad and fresh foods should be increased. The high fibre diet including soybean, Bengal gram, fruits like apple, figs, guava, grapes, lemon, dates, orange, grains like barley, oatmeal, maize, wheat flour, whole wheat, rice flakes, refined wheat flour should be taken. High carbohydrate fibre containing diet like carrot, dry peas, rajmah, drumstick are also helpful in preventing constipation. Excessive tea and coffee, smoking and chewing tobacco also leads to constipation so they all should be avoided. Proper chewing of food helps in easy digestion, thus, avoiding constipation.

Gentle aperients for people suffering from constipation

1. Olive oil: one teaspoon of olive oil taken at the morning time lubricates the system and enhances the bowel movement.

2. Bran: 2 teaspoons taken daily ensures a regular movement.

3. Lemon and honey: squeeze the juice of half lemon into hot water with a pinch of sea salt and one teaspoon of honey. Drink this in the morning time for regular bowel movements.

Constipation Relief


Read through The Foods That Cause Constipation additional

At some time in our life we all suffer from constipation. If this is a problem that is afflicting you on regular occasions then you are likely to need to alter your diet. There are many foods that we consume in large volumes today which are known to be a factor. The foods that cause constipation can easily be avoided or reduced from our diets.

In many people the problem occurs when the body does not maintain the right balance of fluids. Most people will drink a lot of teas and coffees throughout the day. These are known to have what is called a diuretic effect. This is when the body removes too much water (i. E. You need to pee often) and the result is dehydration and constipation. Alcohol also has the same outcome and so does salt. Minimize your intake of all these items as best as you can. The best liquids to take are pure clean water, fruit juices, and green teas; all will help to keep your water levels at their correct balance.

In the west we consume a much greater volume of red meat and dairy products as compared to the rest of the world. It is these foods that can cause a tightening of the bowels and difficulty in the removal of waste products. It is actually the proteins contained in meats and dairy that the gut has problems breaking down. It requires a greater amount of energy for the digestion process to be successful.

For many people the problem of constipation is often down to a condition in the bowel. Over time our intestines get clogged with waste products that a modern diet cannot shift. There can be pounds of matter accumulated along the linings of both the big and small intestine. Research has proved that those people who have a diet rich in fibre suffer less constipation and digestion problems as a whole.

Constipation is a problem that can affect many aspects of our health. By finding the solution you will notice a big change in your overall well being and state of mind.

Constipation Relief Foods

Yes, there are foods that constipate. But there are also natural constipation solutions, including foods that can provide natural constipation relief.

The Foods That Cause Constipation

Examine Constipation - Natural Treatments extra

Constipation - Natural Treatments


Constipation is a problem that so many suffer from but don't like to discuss. In extreme cases it can be extremely painful and affect the daily routine of your life. Most cases of constipation can be treated with a good healthy diet and regular exercise.


Hard or inadequate bowel movements. Some side effects of inadequate, infrequent or incomplete bowel movements are discomfort, abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, anxiety and in extreme cases, pain when urinating.

Ideally, people should have one bowel movement every day, although this can vary according to diet, stress and physical activity.


Constipation can be caused by numerous things including stress, insufficient fibre in the diet, not enough liquid intake, excess protein, refined foods, or no exercise. It can also be caused by the under functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Other causes include pregnancy, metabolic disorders, structural abnormalities, antacids, old age and constant use of laxatives. Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications.

Sudden blockages, bleeding or changes in bowel habits must be checked by a medical practitioner.


Constipation generally can be treated by changing to a well balanced diet high in fibre with at least 6-8 glasses of water daily and regular exercise.

A glass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into it, especially when taken in the morning can be very beneficial, especially if followed by a walk.


Aloe gel ~ Dandelion ~ Psyllium ~ Senna ~ Yellow dock ~ Chamomile (to relax intestinal muscles)

An ideal breakfast would be fruit such as prunes or figs with cereal and rice bran. Another suggestion would be buckwheat seeds cooked with raisins, apple and cinnamon. Rice bran is preferred over wheat bran as wheat bran can be difficult to digest and can also contribute to haemorrhoids. For most people, bran acts as a fibre laxative but for sensitive people it can actually cause constipation and bloating, especially when fluid intake is inadequate. If these breakfasts don't appeal, you can try any cereal with some psyllium powder sprinkled over.

Other dietary suggestions

Raw vegetables such as sliced zucchini and grated beetroot as well as salad foods are good to relieve constipation. Broccoli, beans and cauliflower are better steamed for a few minutes to avoid flatulence. Beetroot is also good to find out your transit time - the length of time your digestive system takes to digest, absorb and eliminate foods. Ideally you should see the colour of the beetroot in your stools within 24 hours. Make your own salad dressing with a spoonful of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, but keep in mind this can be high in calories so don't use too much. Olive oil stimulates the gallbladder and also acts as lubrication.

Tissue Salts

Kali Mur - for mucous membranes Nat Mur - for regulating fluid Nat Sulph - for 'toxic' bowel

Constipation can also be caused from repeatedly ignoring the urge to defecate for reasons such as running late, or unwillingness to use public toilets. This type of constipation can start in childhood due to being busy playing or watching a DVD and then becomes a habit. It is very important in children to make sure they use their bowels regularly to avoid long term constipation problems.


Maintain a well balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain regular bowel movements. If this doesn't work and constipation is still a problem consult a medical practitioner to see if there are any physical causes such as under active thyroid or liver.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Constipation []

Go through What Is the Best Cure for Constipation? - Know How to Get Relief From This Discomfort additional

What Is the Best Cure for Constipation? - Know How to Get Relief From This Discomfort

Constipation Relief

Constipation affects people in various ways, for some this means difficulty passing hard and dry stools while for others this only means infrequent passing of stools. The effect however is almost always the same: unease, bloating and frustration.

What causes this?

The most causes for irregular bowel movement are low fiber intake, not enough water intake, no exercise, irregular or unhealthy meals, stress, post-surgery, pregnancy, IBS, colon cancer, spinal injury and kidney failure.

How is this treated?

Most will agree that the best treatment for irregular bowel is the natural treatment. Actually there are several remedies available and here are some of these.

Eat fiber rich foods. These foods include mainly vegetables, whole grains and fruits. Consuming these foods helps ease bloating and avoid gas. Figs and prunes are also efficient sources of fiber.

Drink lots of water. At least 8 to 10 glasses a day of water helps flush out body toxins and naturally help move bowels easily and regularly.

Adopt a regular exercise. Being sedentary is one main cause of irregular bowel movement. Exercise helps improve the body's metabolism which helps with digestion. Even a 10 to 15 minute walk everyday is considered sufficient exercise.

Bowel movement can be stimulated by drinking hot water or tea. The symptoms of constipated individuals can also be relieved by drinking 2 to 4 teaspoons of castor oil.

For extreme cases, laxatives may be used to help pass bowels however these should not be taken on a long term basis to prevent becoming laxative-reliant which will lead to greater health risks.

Instead of looking for the best cure for constipation, it is far better to prevent it which can be done by maintaining a healthy or well balanced diet and constant hydration. Having an active lifestyle is also a great help.

For more tips and information about best cure for constipation [] you can go to []

Study Constipation Weight Gain - Get Rid of Weight Gained Due to Severe Constipation and IBS in 7 Days extra

Weight gain is just inevitable once you reach a specific age. This is particularly after the age of 40 as in that age the metabolic rate of the body gets affected. But, it has been witnessed that there are some other causes also which might lead to weight gain and that too before reaching that specific age. One of the prominent causes might be constipation. This problem might bother you when your intestines get blocked. The best and the efficient way to activate the intestines once again are to unblock them.

Causes of Constipation:

* Not enough liquids and fiber in your diet
* Lack of sufficient exercises
* Medications and irritable bowel syndrome
* Due to laxatives
* Problems in rectum and colon
* Avoiding the urge of bowel movement
* Due to certain diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis
* Problems in intestinal

Symptoms of Constipation:

Constipation does not actually mean that you are suffering from any type of digestive diseases. However, in case you start suffering from vomiting, dizziness and fever then you must consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Get rid of weight gain due to severe constipation and IBS in 7 days by applying the following tips:

Fiber Diet: Actually the most common cause of constipation is your diet. Thus try to include more and more vegetables and fruits which are rich in fibers. For this purpose you can opt for whole grains, meats, cheese and eggs.

Colon Cleansing: This method can help you to get rid of your constipation problems at a very steady pace. Dr Oz also recommended colon cleansing for a healthy mind. This process can efficiently help you to lose weight and get rid of the unwanted toxins from your body. He even introduced two recipes can be easily made at home and can effectively cleanse the colon. Actually, this home remedy process is very effective as after removing the toxic substances from your body the metabolic rate automatically gets enhanced and you in turn get rid of the constipation problem. Further, in this process you even lose weight as your body starts digesting the calories at a steady pace and does not store them as fats. Further the recipes introduced by Dr Oz are full of natural ingredients which are quite rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Check them out:

Master Cleanse Diet:

* A pinch of Cayenne pepper
* 10 oz. of purified water
* Two tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon juice

Mix the ingredients and cleanse your internal system.

Green Dark Recipe:

* Two chopped apples and one celery stick
* 1/2 cup of chopped parsley
* Tiny piece of peeled ginger
* 1 Cup of spinach
* Diced medium sized cucumber
* Juice of one lemon


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Constipation Weight Gain - Get Rid of Weight Gained Due to Severe Constipation and IBS in 7 Days


Study Simple Remedy For Constipation far more

Simple Remedy For Constipation

Constipation Relief Foods

Constipation Relief Foods

Anyone can have constipation whatever your race is. It can afflict all walks of life. Constipation is an accumulation of waste matter in the body because of wrong diet and improper lifestyle.

Eating foods that is low fiber and foods which are not nutritious and are devitalized are the culprit. Lack of muscular tone in the bowels, improper mastication of food, meat diet, too many varieties of food at one meal, eating food that is too concentrated, using coffee, tea, and liquor of all kinds must be avoided; Irregular habits of attending to the call of nature, sedentary life, and lack of exercise are other contributing factors to this almost universal ailment.

The life giving properties which would aid digestion are removed from the foods we eat, or are spoiled by improper cooking and wrong combination. Excessive use of drugs and patent medicines is a frequent cause of constipation, tumors, etc...

The symptoms of constipation are coated tongue, foul breath, backache, headache, mental dullness, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, and various pains. In infants, they are irritable and cross if bowels are irregular.

To treat constipation, you must regulate the diet. Take high enemas of red raspberry leaves, wild cherry bark or leaves, or bayberry bark, using one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of water. This is a very good disinfectant and stimulant to bring back the peristaltic action of the colon. Take enema every evening.

Eat foods as dry as possible. If food is eaten dry and thoroughly saturated with saliva, it is a wonderful help to lubricate the bowels, it will make the system alkaline, and will greatly increase the rapidity of digestion.

Do your drinking one hour before or two to three hours after eating. Drinking with meals is not advisable. No liquid of any kind should be taken with the meals. Eat freely of fresh and stewed fruits, apples, figs, peaches, oranges, bananas, blueberries, selecting the fruits that agree best with you. But fruits and vegetables should not be eaten at the same meal.

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